I don't post a lot, but I have commented on several of these debates over the years and always leave the discussion due to ridiculous claims by one side or the other. Do I believe private schools openly recruit athletes, falsify BEDS, or cheat the system overtly in any way, NO. I have said it multiple times. Do I believe some type of multiplier is necessary in HS sports, YES. I know the argument is going to be that other states research has shown that a multiplier has not affected the number of state titles won by private schools. I could care less about number of state titles won, I'm looking at creating more parity in individual classes, this is what they were designed to do. No one should deny that recent trends have shown that public schools have excelled athletically more so than in the past. If not, why else would other states be trying multipliers and different classifications for privates? It is obvious to the average fan, such as myself. No one can deny this! Can you use obscure stats to skew opinion in your favor, sure, but simple math shows that private schools win more than public if you compare wins to the ratio between public and private schools. It is overwhelming. The reasons why have been touched on. Some are ridiculous claims, such as recruitment and BEDS falsification. Even the farm kid excuse bears little advantage in my opinion, with today's farming practices very few kids are needed by there parents to do chores. Even 15-20 years ago when I attended a very rural 2A school our rural kids were still doing chores before or after practice/lifting/plyos. It did not stop them from playing. I can not think of a single kid in all my years that was not allowed to play by his or her folks because of farm work. Does it happen? Probably. Is it relevant? No. My 65 year old dad had to chose between arts and sports, this is really the only era where this was an issue. The advantages private schools have that cannot be contested are simple. Population and Socioeconomic advantages. I have yet to see a good argument as to how these two things are not advantages. I hear that why aren't the W'loo Columbus or similar teams winning titles, for one they have in recent history. They also do not consider population and socioeconomic differences in the two communities. Draw a 25 mile circle (reasonable driving distance) around W'loo and IACity and look at the population difference. My guess is that its more than double that of Wloo, Sioux City, and other urban areas of the state other than DesMoines. Drawing from that large of an area is advantageous. Couple that with the demographics of the area and you have more families able to $5k+ for each of there children to attend school. I've already been long winded enough, so I will not go into the details of how socioeconomics plays such a huge role, google it, there are plenty of articles that discuss this. Cid/Pine you guys are intelligent and I'm sure you will find a way to argue your side of the story like arguing that several of the bedroom communities in your area are full of well to do families so they have the same opportunities. I agree living in these areas are are advantageous to kids too, but they are a far cry from private school. The only part that is unfair about all of these threads is that they continue to pick on ICR, but your success has made you the target. I applaud the success. I believe they played by the rules and succeeded within them. I just feel that the rules are flawed. Also, the multiplier should take many more factors into account, it should not be an across the board number. Each school would have a different multiplier based on population, BEDS, tuition cost, income, etc. Some schools may not qualify for a multiplier at all, others may get bumped in my system. I don't know what is right but I I'm entitled to an opinion as much as the next guy. Sorry for the long post, hope it makes sense. After all, I'm just a poor public school farm kid.