Random Idea

read stories that some of the northeast iowa conference teams want to form a new conference. havent heard anything about it since september
Waverly really doesn't fit with those schools anymore, it goes beyond the racial issue from this summer. Waverly is 100 students (10-12) bigger than Decorah, 200 bigger than Charles City, and 300 or so bigger than the rest of the schools in that conference, and overall Waverly is a growing community and the other schools like the rest of NE Iowa are losing enrollment.
would waverly shell rock go to the mvc or do you think the big 8 is coming back with wsr replacing newton
The Des Moines Public schools, Ames, Fort Dodge, Marshalltown, Mason City and Ottumwa have all voted to officially leave the CIMl
Have heard schools leaving CIML have reached out to Waterloo East and West to see if they would be interested in new conference. Would be 12 teams with North and South divisions. That would be interesting. One thing they are struggling with his Ottumwa having to travel to Mason City or Fort Dodge. A North-South split would eliminate some of that.
That's what I meant with the socioeconomic issues, I wouldn't mind seeing Van Meter, Treynor and Solon all up a class. Maybe there is a clause for schools with less than 20% free and reduced, and parochial schools.
Ya know what you do to fix this problem, in reality, don't you?........

Take away their athletes.

If you're not gonna let other schools have nice things, then you shouldn't either. Sharing is caring.