Quarterfinal scoreboard

Why even bother with rankings then?
I wasn't putting down the remaining teams. They may turn out to be the best team. We'll see.
My comment was more to the fact that last nights game between Regina and Pella Christian was a game that definitely lived up to the hype and would have made for an incredible game in the finals.
Very true. I have a lot of respect for WC. Their program is not that old and they are doing very well. Their ability to pass the ball is a style that can beat Regina or at least create a lot of problems. It was difficult for Regina last year but they prevailed. At this point, I think it will be a Regina-WC rematch. Time will tell. As Pella Christian found out, until you beat the champ, there still the champ.
Terrible sportsmanship by Hinton for the second year in a row after the game.
Last year kids not willing to shake hands & trying to fight.

This year the same and coaches were even more embarrassing. Yelling at Western's coach for scoring late when it was only a 2 score lead.

Have seen this behavior in War Eagle conference play from Hinton in multiple sports
Poor losers.

That touchdown was needed with 43 seconds left in the game when Hinton did not even take its final time out? The way I see it they didn't take the TO so the clock could run out and Western had their victory. If coach Kooima respects Hinton coaches as he said on the radio, respect was not shown in this instance. Before you throw stones you may check the way your kids talked to our players as well. Upholding those strong Christian values I see.
That touchdown was needed with 43 seconds left in the game when Hinton did not even take its final time out? The way I see it they didn't take the TO so the clock could run out and Western had their victory. If coach Kooima respects Hinton coaches as he said on the radio, respect was not shown in this instance. Before you throw stones you may check the way your kids talked to our players as well. Upholding those strong Christian values I see.
Did hinton get a quick score after that td? You go for the first down to seal the deal...don't give other teams any going to tell a 17 yr old to go down after the 1st down? yelling at coaches after the game is bs sportsmanship no matter how you slice it. If you're mad, make the stop.
That touchdown was needed with 43 seconds left in the game when Hinton did not even take its final time out? The way I see it they didn't take the TO so the clock could run out and Western had their victory. If coach Kooima respects Hinton coaches as he said on the radio, respect was not shown in this instance. Before you throw stones you may check the way your kids talked to our players as well. Upholding those strong Christian values I see.
Western isn't my team, but this is how I viewed the final minutes:
Western has ball 4th & 8 to go with just under a minute to play.
Quick score & an onside kick and Hinton would have a (small) chance to win the game.
Hinton has a QB in Small that can very well score within that time. I assumed they were saving a time-out for just that reason.

Western runs a pass play to ensure a 1st down & run the clock out. Western receiver breaks a tackle and actually makes it into the endzone.

Small marches Hinton down the field and scores (just like we knew he was capable of)

Hinton coach embarrasses himself after the game.
I can forgive kids getting caught up in the moment, especially with poor leadership, but not adults.
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Western isn't my team, but this is how I viewed the final minutes:
Western has ball 4th & 8 to go with just under a minute to play.
Quick score & an onside kick and Hinton would have a (small) chance to win the game.
Hinton has a QB in Small that can very well score within that time. I assumed they were saving a time-out for just that reason.

Western runs a pass play to ensure a 1st down & run the clock out. Western receiver breaks a tackle and actually makes it into the endzone.

Small marches Hinton down the field and scores (just like we knew he was capable of)

Hinton coach embarrasses himself after the game.
I can forgive kids getting caught up in the moment, especially with poor leadership, but not adults.
True. Leadership, whether good or poor, typically starts at the top. I said the below in a previous post on the topic. Kids are going to be kids. Especially in an emotional, competitive environment. Sounds like an unfortunate situation for all.
"That type of behavior typically results from the coaches and parents."
That touchdown was needed with 43 seconds left in the game when Hinton did not even take its final time out? The way I see it they didn't take the TO so the clock could run out and Western had their victory. If coach Kooima respects Hinton coaches as he said on the radio, respect was not shown in this instance. Before you throw stones you may check the way your kids talked to our players as well. Upholding those strong Christian values I see.
So, you're saying that if WC had taken a knee on 4th down than Hinton would've followed that with a knee of their own? I mean since they had conceded the game and all.

I don't think that's what would have happened at all and I'm sure you don't either. Hinton was still going to play to win, so WC had a legitimate reason to try to get the first down which happened to result in a touchdown. Nothing wrong with that at all.
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Terrible sportsmanship by Hinton for the second year in a row after the game.
Last year kids not willing to shake hands & trying to fight.

This year the same and coaches were even more embarrassing. Yelling at Western's coach for scoring late when it was only a 2 score lead.

Have seen this behavior in War Eagle conference play from Hinton in multiple sports
Poor losers.

As always, two sides to every story. I personally didn't have a problem with WC scoring their last td but I know others did. Maybe they were partially upset with WC because of the late hits out of bounds, the helmet to helmet hits on the qb, the constant hits and jabs after the whistle, maybe stomping on the back of a player with your cleat while he's down and you're not even remotely close to the play, maybe getting a unsportsmanlike penalty for a late hit out of bounds when you're up 3 scores and it's under a minute to play?
None of these impacted the outcome of the game but defines the environment. What about those fine Christian behaviors? I've even talked to WC people and they say their team can be chippy. All those things reflect on the WC coaching staff, either you're encouraging it or not stopping it. The Hinton co-head coaches have been there over 30 years, they are the epitome of a class program. I have great respect for Grandstra, Gesink and Jansma. They play the game hard, play clean, let their on field performance's speak for themselves. Take some lessons from these leaders.
Very true. I have a lot of respect for WC. Their program is not that old and they are doing very well. Their ability to pass the ball is a style that can beat Regina or at least create a lot of problems. It was difficult for Regina last year but they prevailed. At this point, I think it will be a Regina-WC rematch. Time will tell. As Pella Christian found out, until you beat the champ, there still the champ.

Of course the WC program is going to do well. They're a private school with access to resources and athletes from the region. Look how dominate the basketball and volleyball programs have been.
I believe it will be WC and Regina in the final as well.
Of course the WC program is going to do well. They're a private school with access to resources and athletes from the region. Look how dominate the basketball and volleyball programs have been.
I believe it will be WC and Regina in the final as well.

The board has pretty much been kept clean from these types of innuendos. It is probably best to keep it that way. If not we can break out the whip and start beating the dead horse again. If you choose to pursue that route please be prepared with some actual information rather than the typical 'most other states have a multiplier', 'I know a guy who said that so and so gets a free ride' etc.
As always, two sides to every story. I personally didn't have a problem with WC scoring their last td but I know others did. Maybe they were partially upset with WC because of the late hits out of bounds, the helmet to helmet hits on the qb, the constant hits and jabs after the whistle, maybe stomping on the back of a player with your cleat while he's down and you're not even remotely close to the play, maybe getting a unsportsmanlike penalty for a late hit out of bounds when you're up 3 scores and it's under a minute to play?
None of these impacted the outcome of the game but defines the environment. What about those fine Christian behaviors? I've even talked to WC people and they say their team can be chippy. All those things reflect on the WC coaching staff, either you're encouraging it or not stopping it. The Hinton co-head coaches have been there over 30 years, they are the epitome of a class program. I have great respect for Grandstra, Gesink and Jansma. They play the game hard, play clean, let their on field performance's speak for themselves. Take some lessons from these leaders.
Hinton is just a class program and they never do anything wrong...they are the epitome of what programs should be built after. Are you really going to use Christian behaviors as an aspect of your argument? Also, the kids that play for Western have been in the Christian school system for years, they still have the same number of kids in school as what Hinton does. My guess the coaches are mad because their only losses in the previous what 2 years has come to WC.
As always, two sides to every story. I personally didn't have a problem with WC scoring their last td but I know others did. Maybe they were partially upset with WC because of the late hits out of bounds, the helmet to helmet hits on the qb, the constant hits and jabs after the whistle, maybe stomping on the back of a player with your cleat while he's down and you're not even remotely close to the play, maybe getting a unsportsmanlike penalty for a late hit out of bounds when you're up 3 scores and it's under a minute to play?
None of these impacted the outcome of the game but defines the environment. What about those fine Christian behaviors? I've even talked to WC people and they say their team can be chippy. All those things reflect on the WC coaching staff, either you're encouraging it or not stopping it. The Hinton co-head coaches have been there over 30 years, they are the epitome of a class program. I have great respect for Grandstra, Gesink and Jansma. They play the game hard, play clean, let their on field performance's speak for themselves. Take some lessons from these leaders.
Blue streak, I guess I think your first sentence is the most accurate and honest one, "There are two sides to every story" In fairness, I must say, I am a parent of a starting football player for WC. Obviously I'm very proud of the year we have had, and also proud of the team, in saying that I am also not dumb, and know that things can get said, done or happen in a football game that everyone, both teams, parents or coaches would not be proud of. My son would tell me that things are said, done, by both teams that would not make any coach proud. So If I could address some of your points from a WC parent, I don't really think any coach could have a problem knowing the full situation of the 4th down call. Our intent wasn't to score but to make sure a quick striking Hinton team would not get the ball back to make a big play and then kick an on-side kick, in fact to me that shows a lot of respect for the Hinton team on what they can do. The late hit out of bounds, bad play by one of our kids non starter who had just got in the game, he got penalized and deserved to, but do I believe he did it intentionally or willfully to hurt someone, absolutely not and to imply that the coach would condone that is simply not true or a fair statement. Helmet to Helmet hits, isn't that to some degree football?? Again I am bias, but never have I seen or thought that someone was intentionally doing that from our team, and if they were not only the Refs but also our coaches should or would do something about it. The Christian Behaviors comment is quite honestly below the belt and childish, are we Christians, yes, do we have failings, just like everyone else, absolutely, we are no more perfect than anyone else, period. I'm glad you have respect for the 3 names mentioned, they are all good kids, but have there own failings as well. Our team coaches and players didn't do or act perfectly that night, they never will, but please ask your own players and coaches if they did before you just throw our school under the bus.
Blue streak, I guess I think your first sentence is the most accurate and honest one, "There are two sides to every story" In fairness, I must say, I am a parent of a starting football player for WC. Obviously I'm very proud of the year we have had, and also proud of the team, in saying that I am also not dumb, and know that things can get said, done or happen in a football game that everyone, both teams, parents or coaches would not be proud of. My son would tell me that things are said, done, by both teams that would not make any coach proud. So If I could address some of your points from a WC parent, I don't really think any coach could have a problem knowing the full situation of the 4th down call. Our intent wasn't to score but to make sure a quick striking Hinton team would not get the ball back to make a big play and then kick an on-side kick, in fact to me that shows a lot of respect for the Hinton team on what they can do. The late hit out of bounds, bad play by one of our kids non starter who had just got in the game, he got penalized and deserved to, but do I believe he did it intentionally or willfully to hurt someone, absolutely not and to imply that the coach would condone that is simply not true or a fair statement. Helmet to Helmet hits, isn't that to some degree football?? Again I am bias, but never have I seen or thought that someone was intentionally doing that from our team, and if they were not only the Refs but also our coaches should or would do something about it. The Christian Behaviors comment is quite honestly below the belt and childish, are we Christians, yes, do we have failings, just like everyone else, absolutely, we are no more perfect than anyone else, period. I'm glad you have respect for the 3 names mentioned, they are all good kids, but have there own failings as well. Our team coaches and players didn't do or act perfectly that night, they never will, but please ask your own players and coaches if they did before you just throw our school under the bus.

Very well put, Little General. I did not start this, I was simply responding to a post where someone decided to throw the Hinton coaches, players and parents under the bus. There are two sides to every story so I just wanted to point a few things from my perspective for those not in attendance and yes I agree, things can happen on both sides of the ball, both in a positive and negative manner. I did not mean to imply that the Hinton coaches or players are always perfect, we all have our personal failures. Like I said, I personally didn't have an issue with the late score, I don't believe WC was trying to score, just get a first down and run the clock but the Hinton kid missed the tackle and he scored. I apologize for the Christian comment, not necessary. Simply put, the better team won that night. You guys have a great team and I wish you the best of luck in the dome.
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Very well put, Little General. I did not start this, I was simply responding to a post where someone decided to throw the Hinton coaches, players and parents under the bus. There are two sides to every story so I just wanted to point a few things from my perspective for those not in attendance and yes I agree, things can happen on both sides of the ball, both in a positive and negative manner. I did not mean to imply that the Hinton coaches or players are always perfect, we all have our personal failures. Like I said, I personally didn't have an issue with the late score, I don't believe WC was trying to score, just get a first down and run the clock but the Hinton kid missed the tackle and he scored. I apologize for the Christian comment, not necessary. Simply put, the better team won that night. You guys have a great team and I wish you the best of luck in the dome.
Blue Streak, thanks for the comments I appreciate that we can discuss in a fair manner. I would agree and if someone from the WC team did throw Hinton players or parents under the bus, I would apologize for there thoughts. I can assure you, they are in the minority. I know we are glad we don't have to play Hinton again as I can speak for parents and players, we have a lot of respect for your team. Wish we could have met in the dome the last 2 years and not in the game to get there. I believe our district is the best in the state and our games with you and West Lyon will only help us down there. Thanks for the comments and luck for us in the dome. It will be something our sons will never forget.