Blue streak, I guess I think your first sentence is the most accurate and honest one, "There are two sides to every story" In fairness, I must say, I am a parent of a starting football player for WC. Obviously I'm very proud of the year we have had, and also proud of the team, in saying that I am also not dumb, and know that things can get said, done or happen in a football game that everyone, both teams, parents or coaches would not be proud of. My son would tell me that things are said, done, by both teams that would not make any coach proud. So If I could address some of your points from a WC parent, I don't really think any coach could have a problem knowing the full situation of the 4th down call. Our intent wasn't to score but to make sure a quick striking Hinton team would not get the ball back to make a big play and then kick an on-side kick, in fact to me that shows a lot of respect for the Hinton team on what they can do. The late hit out of bounds, bad play by one of our kids non starter who had just got in the game, he got penalized and deserved to, but do I believe he did it intentionally or willfully to hurt someone, absolutely not and to imply that the coach would condone that is simply not true or a fair statement. Helmet to Helmet hits, isn't that to some degree football?? Again I am bias, but never have I seen or thought that someone was intentionally doing that from our team, and if they were not only the Refs but also our coaches should or would do something about it. The Christian Behaviors comment is quite honestly below the belt and childish, are we Christians, yes, do we have failings, just like everyone else, absolutely, we are no more perfect than anyone else, period. I'm glad you have respect for the 3 names mentioned, they are all good kids, but have there own failings as well. Our team coaches and players didn't do or act perfectly that night, they never will, but please ask your own players and coaches if they did before you just throw our school under the bus.