Pandora's Box....

I'd like to know more about Pandora first...what does she look like?

McConnell is usually playing a long game. I'm not certain that is the case here but I suspect it is.

Playing the wrong long game - he’s a globalist, and we are leading too far to globalism that the politique will surrender American freedoms and cache to achieve that goal. When in fact China and Russia are still
Playing the Great Game, and we are allowing our selves to be also rans

Trump was the last president to try and bolster American exceptionalism..... now for the next 4 years it’ll be America the guilty and America punished
Are these Marxist’s just stuck on stupid or are they so consumed with TDS they’re unable to do anything else? You peach state putzes have sure screwed things up down there.
Playing the wrong long game - he’s a globalist, and we are leading too far to globalism that the politique will surrender American freedoms and cache to achieve that goal. When in fact China and Russia are still
Playing the Great Game, and we are allowing our selves to be also rans

Trump was the last president to try and bolster American exceptionalism..... now for the next 4 years it’ll be America the guilty and America punished

Agree he is a globalist and maybe that's his long game in this scenario. I honestly have no idea what he was aiming for with that speech.

In addition to being a globalist, he is also a guy who can break one off in the lefts ass by playing the game by their rules. I'm hopeful that was the goal...but like I said, no idea.

Trump's view on, and absolute commitment to, American Exceptionalism was the one thing I truly admired about him. Everything else was a wash at best.

Now we have an administration that will head in the opposite direction. Biden will have little to do with it.
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Are these Marxist’s just stuck on stupid or are they so consumed with TDS they’re unable to do anything else? You peach state putzes have sure screwed things up down there.
You're assuming the outcome was legit. I'm from Georgia but I've been in NC for over a decade. Most everyone I've spoken with voted Trump and I have friends and relatives of all types all over the state with all types of backgrounds/situations... except I do have this one crazy uncle. I love him but he was probably exposed to some bad stuff in Vietnam that has clouded his judgment.
Are these Marxist’s just stuck on stupid or are they so consumed with TDS they’re unable to do anything else? You peach state putzes have sure screwed things up down there.
They feel emboldened by the runoff’s and Trump not winning the state. Fulton is not at risk so their DA says why not. Make a run to try and finish off an already unpopular Kemp. Could (and hope it does) backfire though with most non-radical leftists just wanting to move and and not spend the resources another case that will end in same result.

That said, Georgia Attorney General already denied Fulton’s new DA to try and move the case to another prosecutor’s office against the two officers in the Rayshard Brooks case and is going to make her department either try the case or drop it (id be as shocked if they drop it as if they convict either), so she may be hesitant to take another losing case. Two that high profile wouldn’t be good look.
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You're assuming the outcome was legit. I'm from Georgia but I've been in NC for over a decade. Most everyone I've spoken with voted Trump and I have friends and relatives of all types all over the state with all types of backgrounds/situations... except I do have this one crazy uncle. I love him but he was probably exposed to some bad stuff in Vietnam that has clouded his judgment.
there are no blue states per se. just blue cities in red states. Everyone I have. Met and work with in IL are conservatives. The knuckle draggers and elitists in Chicago have fvcked it up for this state. Same with Lanner in GA.
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You're assuming the outcome was legit. I'm from Georgia but I've been in NC for over a decade. Most everyone I've spoken with voted Trump and I have friends and relatives of all types all over the state with all types of backgrounds/situations... except I do have this one crazy uncle. I love him but he was probably exposed to some bad stuff in Vietnam that has clouded his judgment.
I think you said it before, but where in NC?
there are no blue states per se. just blue cities in red states. Everyone I have. Met and work with in IL are conservatives. The knuckle draggers and elitists in Chicago have fvcked it up for this state. Same with Lanner in GA.
Having lived in IL, the state (like most in the country) is “red” from a geographic perspective but what’s disturbing is the suburban voter has slowly become more leftist, especially college educated women...thanks in large part to indoctrination at our institutions of higher learning.