Our AWOL Self Proclaimed Prophet

He’s doing the same thing he did in Vietnam when he put on his bicth-asss nurse outfit to circumvent combat…..
he’s being a coward.
I think you should know what you are talking about before you open your pie hole, dumbass.
Look at this white knight fagdom reaction! Look at who is trying (and failing) to defend his fellow libtard!!!
Are you saying he lied about “hiding in the rear with the gear”, as he put it? Or are you trying to spin his “service” as some kind of act of heroism?

LOL either way.
Look at this white knight fagdom reaction! Look at who is trying (and failing) to defend his fellow libtard!!!
Are you saying he lied about “hiding in the rear with the gear”, as he put it? Or are you trying to spin his “service” as some kind of act of heroism?

LOL either way.

Tone it down honk….we’re all friends here

I’m trying but @Konigstiger has the problem, not me. He constantly attacks me for no good reason other than he HATES that I am transparent and as genuine as they come. He, OTOH, still refuses to admit he’s a coxucking liberal phagg.

I’m trying but @Konigstiger has the problem, not me. He constantly attacks me for no good reason other than he HATES that I am transparent and as genuine as they come. He, OTOH, still refuses to admit he’s a coxucking liberal phagg.
I called you out because Gator is a good guy and a friend of mine. His military service to our country is worthy of our respect just as anyone else's is.
I called you out because Gator is a good guy and a friend of mine. His military service to our country is worthy of our respect just as anyone else's is.
I understand what you’re saying and am proud of those who fought to give you that right (to express your opinion.) There were many men who fought hard for us. They sacrificed and gave “some” of there life and others who gave it all.
Unfortunately for your misguided respect for him, Nurse was not one of those men. He was hiding in the rear with the gear in a fukcing nurse outfit.
I think BG gets honk's joke. Sick dick is part of our vernacular now.
It’s too bad @Konigstiger has no sense of humor and therefore can’t relax and enjoy the board for what it is …. entertaining, lighthearted friendly banter with decency and self policing decorum. But most liberal coxuckers have a hard time with laughter so, who’s surprised?
Wait, aren’t both of you tigger fans…how’s that saying go🤔?? “A house divided…”

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