So, it's too early to tell if the RPI will do what it's intended to do. I suspect it will get some tweaks, hopefully something added for playing up class games.
The question I have now is, since we have such a substantial and meaningful ND schedule, how does game selection need to change? Having a system where schedules are decided in clumps of two years, doesn't seem to make much sense, and the wish list method seems to have some holes. So, does anyone have recommendations for our beloved state officials on how to improve the ND scheduling process. Or am I alone thinking it needs to be changed?
The question I have now is, since we have such a substantial and meaningful ND schedule, how does game selection need to change? Having a system where schedules are decided in clumps of two years, doesn't seem to make much sense, and the wish list method seems to have some holes. So, does anyone have recommendations for our beloved state officials on how to improve the ND scheduling process. Or am I alone thinking it needs to be changed?