Originally posted by lil-cush:
Hey Terrehawk I absolutely agree with a lot of stuff you said in your above post. You are absolutely correct about the stats in the GR and West Marshall game. GR did only have two hits (West Marshall only had one hit but got credit for two).
WM DID have 2 hits. I remember them both clearly and there was NO question on either. Both line drives/well hit balls. Again, our scorer is usually pretty shrewd when it comes to hits.
Originally posted by lil-cush:
Its an absolute shame that six hits were recorded but a young high school kid who can not participate in sports due to a disability does the stats because it is his life-long dream to be associated with high school athletics. Please don't hate on a kid for having a dream and who is less fortunate than you. However, the coach should look over the stats and make corrections but that requires time and work, so don't bet on that happening if you get what I am saying. And you are absolutely right about the 3 earned runs, they were all earned, another mistake.
It's great this kid gets to help out. I think it is very nice to allow him to be a part of the program. It's still the coaches responsibility to do the job correctly. That's a cop out. Don't patronize me by telling me not to "hate on the kid". It's ALL on the coach. Period. Don't "use" the kids situation to support this argument. Yes, you say it's a shame that the stats are wrong. I WILL give you credit for that.
Everywhere I've been, the coach gives thumbs up or down on questionable hits. I've never seen scoring relegated SOLELY to a student. Every coach I have ever seen goes down the line with the book at the end of a game. This is simply poor leadership, laziness and/or dishonesty.
WHO IS ENTERING STATS IN QUIK STAT? I highly doubt a disabled HS kid is given the responsibility for keeping the book (and completely at his own discretion) AND then entering them into Quikstats.
In your position, I'm sure you can speak up. Not to mention, I've no doubt someone in a position to do something about it has surely read or heard of this issue. We'll see if it gets fixed.
Originally posted by lil-cush:
Two things I do have an issue with you saying are:
1) GR having inflated stats in the past.
GR has been in the top 3 in the NICL West ever since they joined it in 2004. They have been 1st or 2nd since 2007 so they must have been doing something right during that time to win that many games and conference titles and honors. Thats how it should go. The teams that win should get the most honors. So I didn't get your logic there.
Yes, GR has been in the top 3 in the NICL W for a while and they and their players deserve honors. Just like every other team/player does that has legitimate success. As I have mentioned, I have noticed this "fuzzy math" (from other teams as well, 1 other in particular) over the years.
Awarding 6 hits instead of 2, zero earned runs instead of 3 adds up, even if "mistakes" like this are only made occasionally. Giving a player an extra hit here and there can drastically change batting averages. Which in most cases is the leading factor for post season accolades. The same with bogus RBI reporting.
A player has 88 at bats during the season, and has 25 hits on the year. That's a.284 average. Not usually good enough to get all conference.
Take that same 88 at bats but credit him for a hit instead of an error here or there or give him a base hit for reaching on a fielders choice (which happens A LOT). Let's say that he is given 6 extra hits than he deserves on the year. So now, he is 31 for 88. That's .352 and many times "good enough" to get on an all conference team. In particular if a kid is a senior.
So it IS important. BTW, this is a real case. That same kid's on base % was only 42 pts higher than his batting average. That is a very low spread for a "good" player. Typically, it is in the 80-150 pt range. Tell tale sign for inflating BA's.
Like I said, real case.
Originally posted by lil-cush:
2) Commenting on the 3rd basemans error.
When he drops a throw that comes from another infielder it is an error.
I guess we would need more information. Dropping a throw doesn't necessarily mean an error automatically. If it's a run down or a relay it's probably not an error. provide exact details on the entire play an we can discuss further.
Originally posted by lil-cush:
Also letting a ball go right between your legs in the outfield is an error
That's not the way it was previously described. Someone is moving the goalposts here.
It previously sounded like the OF ran after the single and reached out his glove to the side and the ball went under his glove. Easily can be scored as a double, not an error. OTOH, even if he ran a ways, if it went between his legs, regardless of contact with the ball, it is likely a single with an advance on the error.
Neither of these 2 issues are really worthy of argument however.
Originally posted by lil-cush:
One last thing regarding this. Coaches, fans, and announcers like me know who the good players are in the league.
You bet, everyone knows who the best players are in the leagues. One of the ways of identifying them are through statistics. ACCURATE statistics.
Originally posted by lil-cush:
Stats don't mean anything. It all comes down to wins and losses. Thats all that should matter. We've won a lot in the past and thats what I remember. I do not remember stats. Some on here seem to have their priorities mixed up.
That is simply loser speak trying to maintain your point. The wussification of America continues. You probably don't want to keep score in little league.
Winning IS the ultimate goal but it's the players accomplishments that get you there. You then reward individuals based on their LEGITIMATE accomplishments that helped their team succeed.
Besides, this little nugget of yours is missing the entire point. If stats AREN'T important, THEN WHY INFLATE THEM? We all know the answers here.....
Originally posted by lil-cush:
I'm sure your program Terre Hawk would have rather beat PCM in basketball to make it to state instead of having all-state honors or won the state title in football instead of the honors, but you came up short disappointing many. You guys will remember that disappointment the rest of your lives, not stats.
That is all.
God Bless
Stats are again, just another way of helping their teams reach their goals and for the most part, their players were individually rewarded. Mainly because their stats were ACCURATE and LEGITIMATE.
Absolutely, there was disappointment in not reaching goals. However, I really don't think there'll "be disappointment the rest of their lives". I'm sure they'll remember the SUCCESS. Only losers think the other way about high school.
And since you were clearly (but unsuccessfully)trying to make a dig with that comment, I'll simply say that the WM kids won't have nearly as much disappointment to remember as most other schools and athletes lack of accomplishments, including GR.
I think this group of WM athletes will be fine with their accomplishments the last 4 years and will remember both individual & team successes. Such as.......
2012 State Champs
2011-3rd place (2nd if not for questionable DQ in 4x4)
2010-2nd place
2009-3rd place
Conference & district champs (I believe 3 of 4 years)
District champion 4 straight years with a 27-1 district record including being state Semi Finalists and Quarterfinalists last 2 years
4 years ago, WM moved to the NICL which GR had a nice little run prior to WM's arrival. Since that time WM has had;
4 conference titles having only lost 1 game since moving to NICL (to Grundy when they were ranked #1, also beat them that year)
4 district championships
4 substate final championship appearances.
1 State tournament appearance.
Baseball (with nearly an entirely separate set of athletes than those most responsible for the above)
2011 Won the NICL in baseball with 1 conference loss (to EM)
2012 Nice start so far
Not to mention MANY, MANY All-state, All conference and POTY performers, as well as several state records in football and track. I'm sure the boys will remember THOSE.
I'm sure other schools wouldn't mind trading places with such a great group of kids both on and off the field
Sad. they also have all but 1 run accounted for with an RBI in conference play (4 overall).Originally posted by Parker D:
I see GR put stats in the computer. The paper says they had 3 hits on Tuesday. Quikstats says they had 8. The paper and Quikstats said BCL had 7 hits. How could there be such a discrepancy? I know the dad that I work with said that BCL had a ton of errors.