New for 2025

@Menace Sockeyes look at your party. Lol you are dumb as shit.

Americans, by and large, have rejected their fruit cake bullshit. They even went so far as to elect someone as unpopular as Trump to show them how sick of their shit we are.

Just like the rest of his party, lock-step like any member of a cult, peenace is now attempting to distance himself from crazy bullshit like this. Like anyone is going to believe that the Green Party was pushing this shit?

Peenace, you and your party need to own it before you can make an actual course correction, bonehead. Once this fringe crap is actually perpetuated from the fringe, people like me will be more willing to listen to, and perhaps even support, your party. I'll hold my breath in the meantime.
I’m sorry this is happening to you.
I'm not. It is high time we forcefully reject the demented lunacy of the left.

Perhaps with some luck sassy will wake up from he/she/its liberal nightmare and reject it as well. But I'm not holding my breath. 😆
Over 77 million votes, sis.

312 electoral votes.

Every swing state.

I’m sorry this is happening to you.

Sums it up perfectly...


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