
Oct 24, 2014
In Midland's last game, Alex Martens passed for his 5,000 career yard and Austin Smith broke the 1,000 yard mark for the season. the thing is smith only started getting carries in the last 4 games. Before that, Midland was predominantly 99.9% passing team. Congrats to these two one their milestones!
I was at the game last night and congratulations to both of those young men. Smith isn't big, but he's tough, stays low and grinds. He will be a force to be reckoned with for the play-offs and next year. Martens has a strong arm, great vision, patience and a knack for buying time in the backfield. He and his receivers are clearly in synch with one another and they keep working to get open. Our Lion defenders actually did a solid job in coverage, deflecting a few while Martens dropped several others in the bucket through a very tight window.

I'm still quite bummed at the way things turned out, but will be rooting for our D4 brethren to show the rest of the state that we're figuring this whole 8-man game out here on the east side.

Soar, Eagles!
Thanks lonetreehawk! Hope to see some lone tree guys on the Midland side next week, and congrats on a great season!! Hope the state decides on a couple wildcards next time sounds like a lot of good teams getting left out!
Thanks lonetreehawk! Hope to see some lone tree guys on the Midland side next week, and congrats on a great season!!

No offense, but I don't think our guys are gonna be real excited about going to watch two reams that we beat play each other in a post-season that refused to recognize them. They're trying to take the high road, but that may be a bitter pill too hard to swallow.
I know how that feels, I was a part of the Midland team that beat d4 #2 Springville in 2012.. but it was still nice to go and cheer on a fellow d4 team
I'll probably go to Iowa City to watch West Branch at Regina. They...don't like each other.

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