Originally posted by john norman howard speedway:
What matters more than the course in a race, is the distance. Boys run 5k. Regardless of the course, if you haven't trained properly, knowing the course is going to do you no good. Hill repeats, aerobic intervals, anaerobic intervals, threshold runs, and long HARD runs (not weekly mile enhancing jogs) all need to be done regardless of flat or hilly courses. Walking or jogging a course tells you virtually nothing. Running sub 5 minute miles on a course is completely different. Most high school coaches have not competed at a high enough level, if at all to know what they're talking about. High school and even most college coaching is mediocre at best. Strategy is based on the type of runner, not the coach, not the course. Strength and endurance runners go to the front, surge the uphills, and hammer the downhills. Speed guys sit in a pack, let someone else do the work, and then kick. Give me a guy that's willing to work and enjoys the pain over a more physically mature hotshot with "talent" and I'll give you a champion. I've competed (and still do) and I've coached (and still do).