Idaho school administrators go full MAGAt

Calling everyone a racist when backed into a corner. Classic commie-lib play.

Sassy knows it’s wrong. Doesn’t care because it believes it will “win” when it’s all said and done. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

I love when people who live in a state that is 86% white and less than 4% black lecture people who live in a state that is 64% white and 25% black about racism.

Dude probably knows 2 black people. 😂
I love when people who live in a state that is 86% white and less than 4% black lecture people who live in a state that is 64% white and 25% black about racism.

Dude probably knows 2 black people. 😂
In the South, you learn at a young age how to get along with others. If you don’t you get your ass kicked and not much sympathy for your stupidity.
I love when people who live in a state that is 86% white and less than 4% black lecture people who live in a state that is 64% white and 25% black about racism.

Dude probably knows 2 black people. 😂
Don’t forget that stupid fúck has said he doesn’t believe blacks are capable of getting IDs among other ridiculous, racist, liberal trash.
I love when people who live in a state that is 86% white and less than 4% black lecture people who live in a state that is 64% white and 25% black about racism.

Dude probably knows 2 black people. 😂

HAHAHAHA!!!! How did our states get that way, oh professor of history. Think about that one a sec.
Don’t forget that stupid fúck has said he doesn’t believe blacks are capable of getting IDs among other ridiculous, racist, liberal trash.
There's no such thing as a MAGAt that can discern truth from their own fantasy land. Hence, why Trump and his lawyers have been absolutely getting rolled in court from judges across the ideological spectrum, as usual. I may disagree with others, but you're clearly the lowest IQ here, AINEC.
HAHAHAHA!!!! How did our states get that way, oh professor of history. Think about that one a sec.

Your logic lacks logic, professor of women's studies.

Again, you have no clue what you're talking about and you prove that every time you speak on this subject. How could you know? I'm sure you think you know from reading articles but you don't know shit.

My neighbors, my friends, members of my wedding party and many people I love are people of color. I guarantee you that you don’t have the personal relationships that most people here do...but you'll keep shouting from your "tower" of ignorance because that's just what people like you do.
Your logic lacks logic, professor of women's studies.

Again, you have no clue what you're talking about and you prove that every time you speak on this subject. How could you know? I'm sure you think you know from reading articles but you don't know shit.

My neighbors, my friends, members of my wedding party and many people I love are people of color. I guarantee you that you don’t have the personal relationships that most people here do...but you'll keep shouting from your "tower" of ignorance because that's just what people like you do.
Yep it proves what a dipshit it is daily.

Everyone in the South knows if you don’t get along with black folks, life is tough for you.

They are anywhere between 1 out of 5 to 1 out of 3 people depending on where you live. Live in a bigger city and there plenty of other “people of color” around. My neighborhood is maybe 50% white. Outside of my idiot neighbor with the dogs, I have exactly zero problems. I don’t think about them being black, Hispanic, or Asian. They are the dude around the corner that fixes his motorcycle on Sundays, or the couple that walks their dogs every morning.

Libs like labeling people because they see groups as different and call it out. Speaks to their mentality. They see all of these divisions in society while the average person is just trying to live their life and get along.
HAHAHAHA!!!! How did our states get that way, oh professor of history. Think about that one a sec.

There's no such thing as a MAGAt that can discern truth from their own fantasy land. Hence, why Trump and his lawyers have been absolutely getting rolled in court from judges across the ideological spectrum, as usual. I may disagree with others, but you're clearly the lowest IQ here, AINEC.
You support a party that thinks men can get pregnant.

With all due respect, maybe you should shut the fück up with the “fantasy land” talk, you fuggin imbecile.

Kicking your ass all over the internet never gets old.
You support a party that thinks men can get pregnant.

With all due respect, maybe you should shut the fück up with the “fantasy land” talk, you fuggin imbecile.

Kicking your ass all over the internet never gets old.
She nails it, it's not ok to put Secret Service agents in that position because of his lifestyle choices.

If Hunter cleans his life up and starts living as he should, I have no issues with providing him with protection. But just because he's a lifelong fck up, no way should we be providing adults with babysitters.
Excellent point.
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