Hookers and blow…..

The 'married' mayor who was porking a number of women including Commiela... and people want to disparage Trump's morals? GMAFB.
It doesn’t matter what values camel and that mayor have/don’t have. The take away here is she’s just another typical good looking ho’er who fuct her way up the ladder. She’s not smart enough to be president. A complete dingbat.
It doesn’t matter what values camel and that mayor have/don’t have. The take away here is she’s just another typical good looking ho’er who fuct her way up the ladder. She’s not smart enough to be president. A complete dingbat.
As I’ve aged (and hopefully acquired a little more wisdom) it occurs to me the perceived correlation of intelligence and success of presidents/leaders throughout history, has been vastly overrated. That being said, although I find a firm moral compass a preferred trait (something Mr. Trump is not necessarily known for, nor Ms Harris) or humility (again, very rare for those seeking the highest office), then one must settle with which candidate more closely aligns with your priorities…in this election, it’s not even close.
As I’ve aged (and hopefully acquired a little more wisdom) it occurs to me the perceived correlation of intelligence and success of presidents/leaders throughout history, has been vastly overrated. That being said, although I find a firm moral compass a preferred trait (something Mr. Trump is not necessarily known for, nor Ms Harris) or humility (again, very rare for those seeking the highest office), then one must settle with which candidate more closely aligns with your priorities…in this election, it’s not even close.
We don’t get “servants” successfully running for President…. We get people for whom power, money and position are the magnet.

Trump doesn’t need the money, but he’s at least his own man, and isn’t setting about to destroy wealth, capitalism, and America in general

Cummala is not her own person, and probably is in it just for the money and position,…. Maybe power, but she frankly is a dweeb in the hands of actual power brokers who mean this country no good will
We don’t get “servants” successfully running for President…. We get people for whom power, money and position are the magnet.

Trump doesn’t need the money, but he’s at least his own man, and isn’t setting about to destroy wealth, capitalism, and America in general

Cummala is not her own person, and probably is in it just for the money and position,…. Maybe power, but she frankly is a dweeb in the hands of actual power brokers who mean this country no good will

Absolutely agree. The dynamics here are difficult to even understand. We know Trump and we at least believe that we recognize his faults.

OTOH, Trump isn't actually running against Harris and the vast majority of us don't know for sure who or what we're dealing with. Harris would be nothing more than a figurehead just like her current boss...and we see how that's working for us.
Absolutely agree. The dynamics here are difficult to even understand. We know Trump and we at least believe that we recognize his faults.

OTOH, Trump isn't actually running against Harris and the vast majority of us don't know for sure who or what we're dealing with. Harris would be nothing more than a figurehead just like her current boss...and we see how that's working for us.
Correct! Trump isn’t actually running against that vapid nit, it’s the Democrat machine, a Deep State mafia if you will, that’s hell bent on a global cabal.
Correct! Trump isn’t actually running against that vapid nit, it’s the Democrat machine, a Deep State mafia if you will, that’s hell bent on a global cabal.
Deep State mafia or not, Putin isn’t gonna respect that h’or…the Russians are pushing a propaganda program for women to not go to any advanced education and just stay home and have 8-10 kids…. Women are just breeders to Russian power brokers

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