Hahaha!!! Rematch betwix Iowa and UK

Reasoned, we gets to taunt our selves yet again! Or laugh thereof
No sh!t? We win, a bottle of KY bourbon. You win, some famous Iowa pork chops. 😊

Ehh, I quit drinking….not that we’ll win…🤔depends on how many points the defense scores
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Looks like our QB1 and QB2 are out…….not that it matters with our “offense”.
Update: Chris Rodriguez, our RB1 has declined to play in the bowl…. That under is a LOCK!!!
Yeah I heard you’re w/o QB1 and RB1, we’re w/o QB1&2 (no biggie😏) RB2, and numerous others……will look like a D3 game, no wagers on this sick puppy….., heck I may not even watch!
Not sure you saw this @IrishPokerDog

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Yeah I heard you’re w/o QB1 and RB1, we’re w/o QB1&2 (no biggie😏) RB2, and numerous others……will look like a D3 game, no wagers on this sick puppy….., heck I may not even watch!
Yep, no wagers on this battle of the 3rd string also rans - I’ll watch….it’ll be like Saturday morning cartoons