Guess "Blue Lives Don't Matter" should be the new slogan for the GOP...

Menace Sockeyes

Apr 7, 2021
As they go into hiding to duck Officer Sicknick's mother. Romney is the only Republican Senator with any morality or decency left. Maybe she should have smashed in their windows and threatened to kill them. Then she'd get to be used as a "hero" and "patriot" to a backwoods, low-info, brainwashed cult. Oh, wait. No, she was fighting for something that ACTUALLY happened. My bad...

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You do realize Officer Sicknick died from a stroke and NOT injuries sustained during the 1/6 riot, politicization of a death to try and score political points is disgraceful. Any inquiry into 1/6 must include the circumstances surrounding the shooting of unarmed veteran Ashli Babbitt and also the dozens still being held “without bond”…in isolation.
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You do realize Officer Sicknick died from a stroke and NOT injuries sustained during the 1/6 riot, politicization of a death to try and score political points is disgraceful. Any inquiry into 1/6 must include the circumstances surrounding the shooting of unarmed veteran Ashli Babbitt.

Facts don't matter to sockpuppet - only feelings and what the twitterverse tells him.
You do realize Officer Sicknick died from a stroke and NOT injuries sustained during the 1/6 riot, politicization of a death to try and score political points is disgraceful. Any inquiry into 1/6 must include the circumstances surrounding the shooting of unarmed veteran Ashli Babbitt and also the dozens still being held “without bond”…in isolation.

Facts don't matter to sockpuppet - only feelings and what the twitterverse tells him.
Ashli Babbitt was a rabid Q moron who broke through a window she was repeatedly told to stand back from, with an armed officer drawn on her. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Darwinism at its finest! Good riddance to such zombies. I tip my cap to the officer ;) ...

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Ashli Babbitt was a rabid Q moron who broke through a window she was repeatedly told to stand back from, with an armed officer drawn on her. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Darwinism at its finest! Good riddance to such zombies. I tip my cap to the officer ;) ...

100% agree. Same thing applies to Michael Brown.
Ashli Babbitt was a rabid Q moron who broke through a window she was repeatedly told to stand back from, with an armed officer drawn on her. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Darwinism at its finest! Good riddance to such zombies. I tip my cap to the officer ;) ...

L O effing L. “Play stupid games, win stupid prizes “. What stupid game was George Floyd playing? Do you tip your cap to that officer as well?
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Ashli Babbitt was a rabid Q moron who broke through a window she was repeatedly told to stand back from, with an armed officer drawn on her. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Darwinism at its finest! Good riddance to such zombies. I tip my cap to the officer ;) ...
Ahh….so now the truth finally rears it’s truly ugly head. Because Ms Babbitt was one of those “deplorables”, you consider her death not only permissible but desirable. I may have profound disagreements with progressive/Marxist politicians or BLM/Antifa protesters but cheering their extermination is a bridge way too far. I hope you find peace with your TDS…you little douche.
Because Ms Babbitt was one of those “deplorables”, you consider her death not only permissible but desirable.
No, because she was an unhinged, mentally unstable and violent criminal. Try arguing with some intellectual honesty for once. Or maybe just try reading more carefully?
No because George Floyd was black.

He was also a thug and a piece of shit, just like our liberal friend that continues to vomit on this board and get his ass kicked daily.
Wonder if sockpuppet would still love old George if he was his cellie for a couple of weeks? George would have him wearing a mop wig and lipstick and having on his pocket in about an hour.
As they go into hiding to duck Officer Sicknick's mother. Romney is the only Republican Senator with any morality or decency left. Maybe she should have smashed in their windows and threatened to kill them. Then she'd get to be used as a "hero" and "patriot" to a backwoods, low-info, brainwashed cult. Oh, wait. No, she was fighting for something that ACTUALLY happened. My bad...

So, in your simple mind, if Republicans don't support the commission, that means they hate Ofc Sicknick and his mother?

Just when I think that you can't get any dumber. That's some double-jointed logic. LOL...I called it logic.
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Ashli Babbitt was a rabid Q moron who broke through a window she was repeatedly told to stand back from, with an armed officer drawn on her. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Darwinism at its finest! Good riddance to such zombies. I tip my cap to the officer ;) ...

I don't fault the officer for shooting Babbitt. I wonder, if she was black, if you would feel the same about the situation? I have my doubts.

You have selective moral outrage based on your wokeness and what MSNBC tells you to believe. You are one of the sheep.

To borrow a line from Stalin, one of your heroes, you're a useful idiot.
I don't fault the officer for shooting Babbitt. I wonder, if she was black, if you would feel the same about the situation? I have my doubts.

You have selective moral outrage based on your wokeness and what MSNBC tells you to believe. You are one of the sheep.

To borrow a line from Stalin, one of your heroes, you're a useful idiot.
I literally never watch MSNBC, and I hate CNN. I supported Yang in the primaries so I too call it MSDNC. I get my news from NPR, the Washington Post, our local independent ABC affiliate. and Matt Taibbi. You fall so pathetically flat on your face with that claim.

Oh and don’t worry, I think violently stupid black Trump supporters are as much sub-human garbage as the white ones.
Ashli Babbitt was a rabid Q moron who broke through a window she was repeatedly told to stand back from, with an armed officer drawn on her. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Darwinism at its finest! Good riddance to such zombies. I tip my cap to the officer ;) ...

so when a black person is told the same thing and then is shot, we have riots. And you are good with that.
So, in your simple mind, if Republicans don't support the commission, that means they hate Ofc Sicknick and his mother?

Just when I think that you can't get any dumber. That's some double-jointed logic. LOL...I called it logic.
They should show the decency to meet with her at least. But I'm sure they've got an NRA, or hedge fund, or Fundamentalist Super PAC to go suck off for some money. Violent terrorist insurrections and misinformation campaigns don't matter to them.
No. But I understand them on a larger context. Riots simply don't happen without a much greater context.

January 6th was a riot. It was wrong, and the people involved should be punished. Many of the BLM protests turned to riots. Looting, destruction of property, murder.....and you think you understand them because of context? Wrong is wrong. Call it out for what it is.
January 6th was a riot. It was wrong, and the people involved should be punished. Many of the BLM protests turned to riots. Looting, destruction of property, murder.....and you think you understand them because of context? Wrong is wrong. Call it out for what it is.
He “understands” them because he is a white apologist.

You can find his type sitting outside of Starbucks sipping a soy latte and clutching his skateboard.
Oh and don’t worry, I think violently stupid black Trump supporters are as much sub-human garbage as the white ones.

Sounds like you need to check your white privilege.

Regardless of where you get your news, you're an idiot. I wish I could help but instead I will just invite you to move elsewhere, like Venezuela, where the policies you prefer have already taken their toll.
Sounds like you need to check your white privilege.

Regardless of where you get your news, you're an idiot. I wish I could help but instead I will just invite you to move elsewhere, like Venezuela, where the policies you prefer have already taken their toll.
The policies I advocate for are places like Denmark and the Netherlands. But you know, a straw man country with those scary brown people rustles you Cons’ jimmies.
January 6th was a riot. It was wrong, and the people involved should be punished. Many of the BLM protests turned to riots. Looting, destruction of property, murder.....and you think you understand them because of context? Wrong is wrong. Call it out for what it is.
Fvckers are stillingburning Portland daily, but we don’t even hear about it. All this insurrection talk takes a lot of time I guess.
They broke down the gate of a gated community. There were "No Trespassing" signs and a mob broke into the neighborhood. Is there another word that would make you happy?
Black people marched down their street. Yeah, I bet that would be a crime in your eyes.

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