First Biden vs. Trump and Biden vs. DeSantis 2024 Polls Not Looking Good for Uncle Joe 😬…

Menace Sockeyes

Apr 7, 2021
Just kidding. Beats Trump by 10% (43 to 33 percent) and DeSantis by 8% (41 to 33 percent). Just how bad did the coup enabling party hurt themselves on January 6th? Yikes. Way too early of course, but since many here like to wank it to polls in January 2022 😆…

The big takeaway here is that as much as many are "meh" about Biden, the far right hijacking of the GOP has made Republicans look infinitely worse in the general public's eyes.

you are telling yourself lies and believing them. The generic ballot has gone from Dems 47% to Pubs 42% ……. To Pubs 47, Dems 43

a frigging 9 point swing to the ‘Pubs due to the heavy handedness of the Dims under Brandon

Pubs haven’t had a lead in the generic vote since 2016….. and not by such a margin since 2014
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You're in for a frustrating November 2022 if you believe that to be the case currently.

you are telling yourself lies and believing them. The generic ballot has gone from Dems 47% to Pubs 42% ……. To Pubs 47, Dems 43

a frigging 9 point swing to the ‘Pubs due to the heavy handedness of the Dims under Brandon

Pubs haven’t had a lead in the generic vote since 2016….. and not by such a margin since 2014
Quick question: when is the last time a first term President DIDN'T see his party lose seats in a mid-term election?
Do you need me to answer the question for you?

I almost feel bad responding to you on some of these items, as I have a better chance of getting a logical, well thought out response out of my 4 year old.

Everybody knows the opposing party typically picks up seats in a mid-term of a first term president. We aren't just talking about the Republicans possibly picking up a few seats here and there.

Only caveat being the Republicans have plenty of time to still eff up this golden opportunity that the left has handed them, and I don't underestimate their ability to do so. They just need to stay out of their own way between now and November.
Everybody knows the opposing party typically picks up seats in a mid-term of a first term president. We aren't just talking about the Republicans possibly picking up a few seats here and there.
Only caveat being the Republicans have plenty of time to still eff up this golden opportunity that the left has handed them, and I don't underestimate their ability to do so. They just need to stay out of their own way between now and November.
BK gets the cousin Eddie award today!

I almost feel bad responding to you on some of these items, as I have a better chance of getting a logical, well thought out response out of my 4 year old.

Everybody knows the opposing party typically picks up seats in a mid-term of a first term president. We aren't just talking about the Republicans possibly picking up a few seats here and there.

Only caveat being the Republicans have plenty of time to still eff up this golden opportunity that the left has handed them, and I don't underestimate their ability to do so. They just need to stay out of their own way between now and November.
While it's touching you and your child are living some sort of "I am Sam" story, I will boldly predict that Biden won't see anything like 1974, 1994, 2010 or 2018. They've poisoned their own well by enabling January 6th and then attempting to cover for it.

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While it's touching you and your child are living some sort of "I am Sam" story, I will boldly predict that Biden won't see anything like 1974, 1994, 2010 or 2018. They've poisoned their own well by enabling January 6th and then attempting to cover for it.

There's still time for the Republicans to eff it up, and if they do I suspect they'll only pick up 15-25 seats in the House. If they don't eff it up, I'd expect in the 45-65 range.
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The big takeaway here is that as much as many are "meh" about Biden, the far right hijacking of the GOP has made Republicans look infinitely worse in the general public's eyes.

Biden's approval rating equals "meh" IYO? 😂

A sitting president being 8 points up on a guy who hasn't even announced he's running, who actually may not run, and who certainly hasn't begun to campaign is not the accomplishment that you're making it out to be.

In short, your poll means jackshit.
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I can’t even remember the last time I had to cast a vote based on which candidate would do the least amount of harm to this country.
I think GHWB was that the last credible POTUS. W did a decent job but mainly Cheney was the acting POTUS. He wasn’t responsible for the housing crash or 9/11 but managed it pretty well. Biggest mistake was the WMD humiliation and being duped into invading and occupying Iraq.
While it's touching you and your child are living some sort of "I am Sam" story, I will boldly predict that Biden won't see anything like 1974, 1994, 2010 or 2018. They've poisoned their own well by enabling January 6th and then attempting to cover for it.

Republicans are sure to take over but I think slimmer margins. The public hearings with revelations of the J6 committee hard evidence of the astounding high level involvement and conspiracy, will alter the landscape of leadership.
No need for congressional subpoenas . They are guilty AF and actually openly confessed on video in many cases. It is now clear that Adolph Trumpsky OFFICIALLY directed a coup. THe only question remaining now is if DOJ want to indict and convict a prominent politician and sitting Congressmen. … and if Americans want to say that’s it’s OK to allow fake electors and let a handful of politicians choose POTUS. That’s exactly what they tried to to.

It’s either illegal or it’s OK for Dems and Kamala to do the same on Jan 6, 2025.
Do you think your semi-warm, dried out prune could attract a fraction of this crowd?


I didn’t think so either.
The big takeaway here is that as much as many are "meh" about Biden, the far right hijacking of the GOP has made Republicans look infinitely worse in the general public's eyes.
Infinitely is too big a word though it has eroded it some.
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Do you think your semi-warm, dried out prune could attract a fraction of this crowd?


I didn’t think so either.
No. He didn’t in 2020 but won in a landslide anyway.

. Congrats on the big crowds though. That’s what Cults do. They gather to share their delusions. It was the same in Germany in the 1930-40s.

Heil Trumpsky