emmetsburg, clear lake, grinell


All Conference
Nov 8, 2003
emmetsburg, clear lake, grinell, these 3 teams use to be a major force in high school year after year. i can remember in 70 or 71, harlan played emmetsburg, tell u how old i am....anyhow, these teams have seem to faded in the sunset...what happen to the once dominate 3 teams i mentioned????
Clear Lake’s enrollment has declined and they are now in 2A. They are on track to make their 20th playoff appearance in 21 years (missed in 2016)
thanks...i had thought clear lake was, their enrollment dropping that much? and emmetsburg, they use to dominate, sure have a slipped a notch or 2
Clear Lake was always a smaller 3A school (300-340 BEDS depending on if an outlier sized class was coming through). Now they run in the 280-90s, so a big 2A. I can’t remember off hand which cycle it was but they were the smallest 3A after losing an alphabetical tiebreaker to Kuemper, Carroll.
some people think harlan will slip to 2a, i really dont see that happing...harlan has 4 smaller towns (panama, westphilia, portsmoth,defiance), catholic mostly , that attend harlan community. its my opinion that those 4 smaller communities, and harlan will keep the numbers stable...i may be wrong, but that is where my betting money is going...the 4 smaller communities i mentioned are mostly farm families that will allways add to harlan,s bed numbers. i was in high school at harlan when those 4 communities joined harlan high school. it really helped harlan,s football program, and i can remember those kids were very excited to be part of harlan high school.
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