You could also speculate that little johnny the junior wanted more AP classes or other classes that his current school didn't offer and his college of choice required such classes so he decided to open enroll to school "B". Or maybe little Susie was getting bullied and by her Junior year had had it. Decided she wanted to go to a school that was known for not allowing bullying... all kinds of speculations can be made.More than likely speculate on when the transfer takes place. If you live at the same address and you transfer as a junior, it is probably for athletics, as opposed to transferring in as a freshman.
This is one of the most idiotic "rules" I've ever heard of. You are telling tax paying citizens where they can send THEIR children for THEIR education? Seems logical. I would allow open enrollment for ANYONE, the only rule I have is that when you do take advantage of open enrollment, the parent is then responsible for the kid getting to the new school. They can't expect the new school bus system to pick their child up(this is a current rule, but some school districts allow for a waiver to be filled out and then voted on, I wouldn't allow the waiver). They have to make arrangements for their kid to get to and from school. This is a WAY easier issue than everyone is making it out to be.
Yes the rules are stupid including the busing.