Dowling rumors

More than likely speculate on when the transfer takes place. If you live at the same address and you transfer as a junior, it is probably for athletics, as opposed to transferring in as a freshman.

This is one of the most idiotic "rules" I've ever heard of. You are telling tax paying citizens where they can send THEIR children for THEIR education? Seems logical. I would allow open enrollment for ANYONE, the only rule I have is that when you do take advantage of open enrollment, the parent is then responsible for the kid getting to the new school. They can't expect the new school bus system to pick their child up(this is a current rule, but some school districts allow for a waiver to be filled out and then voted on, I wouldn't allow the waiver). They have to make arrangements for their kid to get to and from school. This is a WAY easier issue than everyone is making it out to be.
You could also speculate that little johnny the junior wanted more AP classes or other classes that his current school didn't offer and his college of choice required such classes so he decided to open enroll to school "B". Or maybe little Susie was getting bullied and by her Junior year had had it. Decided she wanted to go to a school that was known for not allowing bullying... all kinds of speculations can be made.

Yes the rules are stupid including the busing.
Thank you. I was hoping so, but one never knows. I have worked with many folks from both and a number would actually believe what you said.

I am sure there may be students that transfer for academics, I do not know those kids!
The ones I am aware of open enroll for sports. I wear blinders at times but even blinders can't hide those facts.
BTW I can see both sides of the equation and can't add much to the conversation. I was just trying to add some sarcasm and get my volume of post up.
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People and businesses pay property taxes for numerous services/facilities that they never use (Parks, road maintenance/construction, police, fire, public works and even schools). I was happy to have my street plowed, but I never called the police or fire department last year. My kids didn't benefit from that elementary school remodel either. You won't see me complaining. Why would anyone?

No... I don't know everyone in the school district I live in. Do you?
I'm willing to bet that those people you're referring to are still there because they and/or their kids went through the school system they live in. They support the local businesses and school activities just like the people that do have kids. I think you need to come up with a better one actually.

The reality is that Urbandale, Johnston, Valley, Waukee, SEP, Ankeny, etc. will not allow a student to go to their school for academic or athletic purposes unless they live there and pay taxes. Johnston just built an 80 million dollar high school opening in August. The taxpayers are footing over half of the bill. Even though they are going to pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars more a year in property taxes it still passed. The positive economic impact on property values alone will more than make up the difference in the long run. Can you imagine the consequences the Johnston School Board would face if they just said, "Hey everybody! We just made a bigger, state-of-the-art high school. If you feel like attending just sign up and we'll find a spot for you. We're not crowded anymore, so come on in". I want my money to benefit the families that live in my community. When that happens people will stay and live there.

If you want a good example of what open enrollment can do to a school system just look at Van Meter.

Are you saying that the schools you mentioned don't allow open enrollment in to their school? Because people don't live there and pay taxes?
Where did you get Valley's number, on the sheet you linked it is over 500. Also these suburb schools have always had move in rates like this, most of these kids start at kindergarden and go all the way through the system.
The other Valley apparently, you are correct WDM Valley has 585 open enrolling in.

Decided for fun to throw a formula in to the spreadsheet, Open in/Students Served. The winner of the public schools, CAM at 54%, United 53%, and GMG 48%. State average 6%.
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CAM is due to the fact that they run the main online academy for the state, so that greatly skews their numbers. United is an elementary online district between Boone and Ames. So the real winner is GMG which gets a lot from Marshalltown. East Marshall would be way up there as well getting kids from Marshalltown. It is pretty common for schools near a larger low socioeconomic city to get a large number of open enrollees. That is why you see those big numbers for the Urbandales, Ankeny's, SEPs
SJM19, you don't understand the way this works. State funding to Iowa public schools is based on enrollment and follows the student. Every student that leaves the SEP school district and enrolls in the West Des Moines School District means WDM gets $7,000 more per year in state aid, and SEP loses that cash. Sure some schools can get overcrowded, but if you think Valley is turning away open enrollment kids based on financial reasons you are out of your mind.


Baxter is the biggest winner of the Open Enrollment % wise, 16.67 in for every 1 out(100 to 6). GMG 16:1, Decorah 12:1, East Marshal 9:1,

Looking closer at CAM, it's on odd one where their Certified enrollment is half of what Students Served. Anyone know what the LEP Weighting?
Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute.......................

How about considering USA Today has five regional rankings and the Southeast & Southwest only cover 6 states apiece. The other three regions have to literally cover a lot of ground to include the rest of the country.

West Virginia is considered part of the Midwest now?

How bout no.......o_O
Baxter is the biggest winner of the Open Enrollment % wise, 16.67 in for every 1 out(100 to 6). GMG 16:1, Decorah 12:1, East Marshal 9:1,

Looking closer at CAM, it's on odd one where their Certified enrollment is half of what Students Served. Anyone know what the LEP Weighting?
Don't they serve an on-line academy ?Or am I off on that one
Not that I can tell, just a lot of kids open enrolling in that area, Colfax-Mingo 101 out 23 in, Collins Maxwell 89 out 26 in, Colo Nesco 122 out 25 in.

100 of Baxters 422 total enrolment open in.
Again, this is all based around people wanting to feel a sense of "community" or the fact that their kid can't make the starting lineup with open enrollment, or the fact that they have to play schools that don't have the same views on open enrollment as their own.

Can we agree it's free choice? Can we agree that if the parent assumes ALL responsibilities for transportation, then it's fine? I think people need to realize that parents feel they are doing what's best for THEIR child instead of what's best for their hometown school and guess what......there's nothing wrong with that.
Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute.......................

West Virginia is considered part of the Midwest now?

How bout no.......o_O

Every bit as interesting is that USA Today thinks that there are nine "Midwestern" teams better than Dowling. It would be fun to see how that would play out in head-to-head competition.

BTW...Kentucky is no more a Midwestern state than WV is.

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