District Football Interview


All District
Jun 21, 2009
Good interview today with WB coach on KXIC today's coaches corner program. I think it will be posted online and it is the last segment. Did you catch it Blame? Coach indicated private school/public will be addressed in the fall, talked about the old EIHC, goal of state is to get best 4 teams to the dome. Didn't really touch on splitting Regina and WB. Would have liked the interviewer to ask who he was putting on his non district list. Always a good program to listen to. Host does a good job.
I heard about the interview.

I thought Coach did a good job of stating his point, but also a fine job of pointing out how Regina "is the team to beat. they are outworking everyone in the weight room."

It is a fun program for the coaches, kids, and their families. I am glad KXIC has the show.
Missed the interview. CID, you said it will be posted on-line. Can you or BlameIt tell me how to get to it? Appreciate it.
Originally posted by BlameIt:
I heard about the interview.

I thought Coach did a good job of stating his point, but also a fine job of pointing out how Regina "is the team to beat. they are outworking everyone in the weight room."
Well here's an interesting question for debate. Is it just that Regina is outworking everyone in the weight room? Is that really the only reason or even the biggest reason that they've won 56 games in a row and reload every year?

Is it even JUST a combination of a good weight program and the best coaching staff money can buy?

Why are other 1A programs who have great coaches and tons of kids (whole teams if you needed that explained) who put time in the weight room not even close to as successful as Iowa City?

Like I said interesting point for debate.
The coach from WB thinks it is the weight room, that is almost exclusively what he mentions when he talks about Regina. Blame probably know how to get the interview off line. I have listened to the coaches show on their website before but I don't know how long it takes to get posted. In my opinion Regina has hit a perfect storm of sorts, talented kids that are willing to work hard and be coached. It is a tough combination to have all of those together. Having watched the teams they have played several different styles and have changed schemes frequently, sometimes in mid game. Calling the staff "the best money can buy" has been addressed repeatedly and is shown to be inaccurate and diminishes the quality of the discussion.
Regina staff is very good at making halftime/in-game adjustments.

With the talent level that team possesses, your team is not going to be able to stop the Regal storm for long.
Gohawks: Do you really think ANY high school football coach in the state of Iowa coaches for the "money" I mean seriously we are talking 1A football on here. Obviously the weight room isn't the only reason for 56 straight wins, coaching staff is great as well, you also have to remember that they still have talented athletes to go with it. Everyone knows it isn't one thing that wins a state championship, its a lot of things put together, take away one of them and there isn't 56 in a row guarantee it.
another point of emphasis for the "unlevel playing field", is that Regina, and other private schools, have a choice of whether to accept students with special needs or learning disabilities. Schools like West Branch do not.

Meaning, West Branch and its estimated 15-20 students fitting that definition in the 2015-17 classes have to count said students in the count just like any other student. And those students are just as important and just as much of a human being working hard as a student (or student-athlete) and a students without the same obstacles in life.

My point being that WB counted 170 for the district football enrollment.

170 - 15 = 155

155 puts WB in Class A football.

WB would be a very very tough out for any team in the state of Iowa if it were in Class A.

I love our conversations and how they have become fairly civilized, CID.
We all know that Regina is THE program in Iowa.

KCRG and The CR Gazette won't allow us to forget it every week.

This post was edited on 1/26 4:09 PM by BlameIt
What coaches say in interviews and what they truly believe often are 2 different things. Not saying that is the case here, but it very well could be.
Blame has pretty good insight on that coach. I know that coach and school board toured the Regina weight room and met with the strength coach.
Blame: Very legitimate argument but could you also consider the number of students at Regina that have came over from Korea. Some grades probably have 10-15 in each grade alone, and these students don't play sports either, yes they are not special needs but what is the difference? Unless I am unaware I don't believe that West Branch and other small towns have these large amount of exchange students that Regina has. When I was at Regina not too long ago there were at least 10 students from Korea in my class that didn't play any sports, maybe a couple on the JV soccer team if anything, and quite frankly barely spoke english. So I will use your same argument and say eliminate those students for are looking at Regina playing class A football...and I think most of us could agree that they would be pretty tough in class A like the bears.
Regina also has kids with learning disabilities that aren't 'counted' because they don't receive any extra financial assistance.
But, in some ways this also hurts Regina, because I know of 1 kid, who is a great athlete, but his parents said they don't know if he'll be able to stay at Regina because he's having a hard time keeping up in school without the extra assistance.
So, this issue isn't completely one sided...
It's not even sort of one sided, it isn't sided at all, from the facts that have been given in this thread it actually is sided the other way if anything.
Without trying to put words into Coach Pedersen's mouth from the interview, I will just surmise my own questions for anybody to answer and then I will put this to bed.


If anybody associated with a private school in Iowa can answer those questions for me, legitimately, then I will be happy and move on.

I think the legitimate answer I should receive from any of you will answer the questions of "why do people think the field of play is not level?"

Thank you in advance.

This is fun stuff, eh? :)

I love being back on this website.
Look forward to talking football in August!!

Until then, I will await response(s) to the above questions.

A) Yes. THEY HAVE TO!!! Private schools do not get government funding. The doors wouldn't open otherwise. I am sure some coaches/parents and even other students may try to "recruit" other kids for sports, but most kids go to a private school for more reasons than just athletics Open enrollment also allows recruiting.

B) I don't know the answer to every private school out there, but my guess is most don't offer "scholarships". Financial assistance - yes. Now they are suppose to qualify for that assistance based on need. The Catholic schools assistance comes from the diocese, so I believe religious beliefs may come into play on that. Not sure though.

To me the advantages for private schools seem to be in the metro areas. The private schools in smaller communities seem to struggle a little more as they don't have the population to "recruit" as many kids.
Jeez Blame after that layoff I expected a little tougher questions than that. I will give you a couple of softball questions at the end as well.

Originally posted by BlameIt:
Without trying to put words into Coach Pedersen's mouth from the interview, I will just surmise my own questions for anybody to answer and then I will put this to bed.



If anybody associated with a private school in Iowa can answer those questions for me, legitimately, then I will be happy and move on.

I think the legitimate answer I should receive from any of you will answer the questions of "why do people think the field of play is not level?"

Thank you in advance.

This is fun stuff, eh? :)

I love being back on this website.
Look forward to talking football in August!!

Until then, I will await response(s) to the above questions.

[/QUOTE]So now here comes my questions, be careful I can be very tricky.

A) Can public schools recruit?

B) Can public schools offer scholarships and/or assistance to students?

I look forward to the answers..........wait I can't do it, the second question is a trick, public schools don't need to do that, their education is paid for. Plus the school district gets a nice amount of $'s for each student that open enrolls, more than it takes to educate that student.

I do not want to give up ALL of my good questions.

I have 4.5 months worth of them.

OK, back to the fun.
Originally posted by cidhawkeye:

Jeez Blame after that layoff I expected a little tougher questions than that. I will give you a couple of softball questions at the end as well.

Originally posted by BlameIt:
Without trying to put words into Coach Pedersen's mouth from the interview, I will just surmise my own questions for anybody to answer and then I will put this to bed.



If anybody associated with a private school in Iowa can answer those questions for me, legitimately, then I will be happy and move on.

I think the legitimate answer I should receive from any of you will answer the questions of "why do people think the field of play is not level?"

Thank you in advance.

This is fun stuff, eh? :)

I love being back on this website.
Look forward to talking football in August!!

Until then, I will await response(s) to the above questions.
So now here comes my questions, be careful I can be very tricky.

A) Can public schools recruit?

B) Can public schools offer scholarships and/or assistance to students?

I look forward to the answers..........wait I can't do it, the second question is a trick, public schools don't need to do that, their education is paid for. Plus the school district gets a nice amount of $'s for each student that open enrolls, more than it takes to educate that student.

[/QUOTE]A) Can private schools deny an applicatin of a student?
Originally posted by cidhawkeye:
Public schools must accept students that move into their district. Public schools can only accept OE up to a certain number per state regulations. Advantage Private school. Limit who can be in your school, reducing the BEDS count...
Limit who can be in your school, reducing the BEDS count...

REALLY???? It is ridiculous to think they would deny a kid or kids from paying tuition so that they can stay in a certain class for sports. Oh! But I forgot - private schools are for the wealthy and have so much money they can do this. SERIOUSLY???
Originally posted by L N D:

Limit who can be in your school, reducing the BEDS count...

REALLY???? It is ridiculous to think they would deny a kid or kids from paying tuition so that they can stay in a certain class for sports. Oh! But I forgot - private schools are for the wealthy and have so much money they can do this. SERIOUSLY???

It is a by-product of being able to accept\deny applicants. It IS an advantage they have, not that they do it purposefully to remain in or drop a class. It is a distinct advantage that a private school can reject a kid based on criteria where a public school must accept the kid. Can you really refute that?
It is an advantage, now if you can go out and show me where it has occurred that would mean it's an actual advantage. They could also build new 7,000 seat stadiums with field turf and new weight rooms and new basketball practice facilities and that would be an advantage, but they can't just pass bond issue and make that happen, advantage public schools. On a side note on OE, the only limit on accepting OE is building capacity, I believe Norwalk has had that issue. It is amazing to me to watch kids(regular kids) get moved from one west side city school to to the other city high school because the west side school is over capacity yet a distant relative has a high school kid that can throw a baseball or shoot a basket or execute a takedown can make it in to that school. Perhaps the private schools have learned from the masters of OE and are just better at it.
I am not denying the "they don't have to accept" argument. Although I don't think that happens a whole lot. Especially if you have a willing family to pay the tuition. You wrote "Limit who can be in your school, reducing the BEDS count... " Maybe I took this wrong. But I took it as if you were saying schools purposely deny students so their BEDS count will not go up. That way they can stay in a certain class for sports. That just doesn't make sense. High schools, from what I know, are not in the business of denying students an education so they can have an unfair advantage in athletics. Again, I must have taken it wrong.
Regina has accepted students that have been KICKED out of City High and that is a fact. Lets hear an example of when Regina has denied someone in their school, they take who they can get.
Originally posted by pribs36:
Regina has accepted students that have been KICKED out of City High and that is a fact. Lets hear an example of when Regina has denied someone in their school, they take who they can get.
As what everyone else says on here is looked at as "prove it" material, so is Pribs' response. Everyone is "saying" this or that happens, but no names or documents to "prove it". I know of two that were denied access to private school that ended up at a public school - I will not drop names as that is just not right (possibly even illegal). We can just leave this at "I know some and you know some from our side of the argument".

Since private school acceptance and denial are kept "private" it would take someone on the inside to report on who is denied\accepted. Public school OE's are on the website for all to see.

Does Regina take Special Ed kids (504, etc)?

From the Regina Website:

Regina Elementary will submit a records request from your child's current school to review his or her academic record. Our elementary principals will review the information to determine if Regina can fully service your child. We will contact you as soon as we can, but please allow a minimum of two weeks to receive notice of acceptance. Regina does not have special education programming.

That alone debunks your "takes who they can get" statement...
Does Regina take Special Ed kids (504, etc)?

From the Regina Website:

Regina Elementary will submit a records request from your child's current school to review his or her academic record. Our elementary principals will review the information to determine if Regina can fully service your child. We will contact you as soon as we can, but please allow a minimum of two weeks to receive notice of acceptance. Regina does not have special education programming.

That alone debunks your "takes who they can get" statement...

Regina does not have special education program....not the same as not accepting students that are on an IEP or 504 in a public school. Yes they'll take these students, no they do not have to abide by an IEP. But they do work with families to come up with a good plan for their student and accomodate students any way they can.
While I am sure this is true, many families who I am sure have students with special needs are less likely to want their students to attend do to this.