Derek has been MIA for a while.

...the fvck is the vent?
Private AU Board formed when a gang of the old posters from the Bunker hauled ass about 10 years ago.... Probably a couple of hundred AU folks...derek dukes it out daily with several libs....don't think there are but about four of them...
Private AU Board formed when a gang of the old posters from the Bunker hauled ass about 10 years ago.... Probably a couple of hundred AU folks...derek dukes it out daily with several libs....don't think there are but about four of them...
Sounds like four too many. Don’t make us bammers come over and help you clean up.
Kinda shows you how long all of us have been posting together. The mods on that auburn open forum were shit. Hell, me and @BamaFan1137 were mods on a Bama forum years ago lol

Holy crap, that was a long time ago. I was still working for Bectal, my first job out of college. I don't even think my oldest kid was born yet.

Freaking wow.
Hell, I was on the bama free board back when it was fun. Been around a long, long time. I even got banded from the au board and didnt say a damn word.

So you knew me when I was a complete asshole and now you know me when I'm only like...I dunno...95% asshole?

That's crazy. Same name for you?
I was posting at least a few years prior to 911. My best guess is like 98 or 99??? Maybe before then.

I joined BOL when it first started. The idea of posting never dawned on me...hence the super awesome screen name @BamaFan1137
Anyone heard from him?
Sup dusty?

Hey guys... sorry for the MIA... I jump in here on occasion but have grown tired and somewhat depressed reading some of the nimrod's posting (you know who they are) that somehow they think POTATO is a shining example of a good president. I get the OMB hate, but damn if a few really believe their trolling... :(

Just reading the back and forth is maddening that anyone could actually think (all kidding aside) this sadly demented person is in the highest office in the land. If any of you haven't seen the 1979 film 'Being There' with Peter Sellers & Shirley MacLaine, you need to watch it... we are basically living it right now.

As our good friend and mentor Ralph pointed out, I do joust with a few libs on the 'Vent but even they don't go to the extent of trying to cover for this POTUS clown's babbling... they still claim its somehow better than before.

I'll do my best to get back on more and catch up with this great group of misfits and cretins... and leave you with this for now:

Good to see you Derek.. just in time for the season.
Thanks Dusty... while I like Harsin and what he's trying to get us back to, I am also realistic that a 6 win season should get him COY consideration. We should be decently stout on defense, but unless they score pick 6's or return fumbles for TDs we might not score a point.

Some of my AU brethren are convinced we win AT LEAST 8... 😆... probably 9. And here I was thinking Joe Biden had dementia...
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Thanks Dusty... while I like Harsin and what he's trying to get us back to, I am also realistic that a 6 win season should get him COY consideration. We should be decently stout on defense, but unless they score pick 6's or return fumbles for TDs we might not score a point.

Some of my AU brethren are convinced we win AT LEAST 8... 😆... probably 9. And here I was thinking Joe Biden had dementia...
It will be an interesting season to watch. Given the state of your program from his predecessor I think he needs a 1-2 year grace period.
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Thanks Dusty... while I like Harsin and what he's trying to get us back to, I am also realistic that a 6 win season should get him COY consideration. We should be decently stout on defense, but unless they score pick 6's or return fumbles for TDs we might not score a point.

Some of my AU brethren are convinced we win AT LEAST 8... 😆... probably 9. And here I was thinking Joe Biden had dementia...
Think 6-8 wins would be good this year. I agree on the need for stud recruiter - best thing to improve recruiting is winning. Billy is right - he needs 1-2 years without any inference to see what he can do.
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