If it is hard to keep track of pitches, then we are STUPID. Little League does it. Watch the Little League World Series, every year they go over their pitching rules. I realize it is their World Series, but they have a digital sign that shows the pitch count. If you use Iscore, it keeps track as well. It can be done, done easily, and done accurately. While we are at it, why not require each school to have a licensed engineer shoot the mound height? They require every school that has wrestling to have their scales certified, why not mounds? It is common knowledge to start a kid out in the spring doing flat ground work, then progress to the hill. Why, because it is hard on the arm for one. So, the higher the mound, the more stress on the arm??? This is a health issue, not to mention not following the rules. If our basketball hoop is 11 ft, people would have an issue with it, but a mound that is 18-24 inches is ok????? Bull. My son threw 76 pitches in 6 innings of work in a game this year, that was efficient. In another game he threw 78 in 5 innings, while our other pitcher threw 66 in 2 innings. Now if the other player pitched 7 innings at that pace, our coach wouldn't dear do it, but by rule it would be legal. Pitch count is the way to go folks.