Core 3 Sports Regular Season Final Top 10


Aug 17, 2017
1 West Sioux 9-0
2 Hudson 9-0
3 Lynnville-Sully 9-0
4 Southwest Valley 9-0
5 Wapsie Valley 9-0
6 St. Albert 8-1
7 Gladbrook-Reinbeck 8-1
8 Garrigan 9-0
9 Saint Ansgar 9-0
10 East Buchanan 8-1

Playoff Game Predictions coming tomorrow night!
I think that Lynnville Sully is too high, I have no issue with have a team with a loss, being ahead of an undefeated team, especially when weather played a big part in their loss.
Not really. Ranking should be based on how good you are not your record. The competition you face, good or bad, should matter and be a measure of how good you are. Some of the undeafeted teams haven't really beaten any decent teams so how do we know how good they are.
Everybody played in that weather so 2 undefeated teams get penalized for playing in same weather and not losing? Where would those 2 teams be ranked had CBSA and GR won those games? If it's being assumed they shldnt have lost and only did because of weather why is Hudson and SW valley so high? How do you determine how good a team is just because they play weak competition? It was stated D2 was weak last year
2 things, first I would say you are arguing my point. Just because GR and cBSA lost shouldn't automatically put them behind all 9-0 teams. Second you can somewhat judge how good someone is by how they play against other teams and how those teams did against other common opponents. Now having said that, any given night anything can happen - injuries, turnovers, matchup problems and certain weather does impact certain playing styles more or less. These are just high school kids that are indeed human. That's what makes it fun and exciting. It wouldn't be nearly as much fun if we knew exactly how the game would turn out. Any "rank" is an opinion and everyone has an opinion.
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Everybody played in that weather so 2 undefeated teams get penalized for playing in same weather and not losing? Where would those 2 teams be ranked had CBSA and GR won those games? If it's being assumed they shldnt have lost and only did because of weather why is Hudson and SW valley so high? How do you determine how good a team is just because they play weak competition? It was stated D2 was weak last year
There's no need to get worked up about rankings, especially when we're at the dawn of the playoffs. Every team is going to have to prove themselves.