Boys Volleyball Recruitment

Aug 30, 2016
I agree with all of the posters complaining about how Dowling has all the talent in 4A. Maybe the answer for the other schools, who apparently have no football talent in their entire student population, is boys volleyball. Just think, no weight training, no discipline, none of that required. Just smokin weed and smacking a ball over a net. Made to order!
Not sure what to make of this. Are you really saying that no team but Dowling has any talent? Kind of a strong statement.
Don't demean boys volleyball. It is big in several states. Dowling is THE football program in 4A but the overall best sports program in 4A is Iowa City West.
No. I am just agreeing with the CIML ref, sjm 19, Catherine, drain the swamp and others who point out the complete lack of talent in 4a outside of Dowling. Sounds to me like boys volleyball is made to order for their schools.

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