Originally posted by Vroom_C14:
Originally posted by cidhawkeye:
There are not a lot of states with separate classes for public and private, nor are there a great deal of multiplier states. Maybe the state should look at removing special ed students removed from the BEDS since that seems to be the point that keeps getting made again and again and again aaaaand again. Soon to follow is the reduced lunch argument and then this will evolve into the recruiting topic.
Hola Cid!
Found this interesting -
Alabama multiplier in effect
Arkansas multiplier in effect
Actually no multiplier, non publics are just moved up a class
Georgia (seperates priv\pub in smaller schools)
"Ended a 1.5 multiplier formula for private schools in 2008 after eight years. Data showed that the multiplier did not impact the percentage of private schools winning state titles[/B]. Separation of private and public schools in the state's small-school division was approved in 2012."
Illinois multiplier in effect
Would apply to every school in Iowa since every school is non boundaried(open enrollment)
Connecticut mulitiplier in effect
In basketball only
Florida (seperates prv\pub in select sports - football is one).
"Has separation of private and public schools in select sports among
small schools."
Indiana (uses success advancement based on postseason play)
Kansas (has a proposal on the floor to seperate prv\pub).
Nothing yet
Marlyand - seperate tournaments for priv and pub
Minnesota uses a reverse multiplier based on # of students in activity and Free Reduced lunch.
Mississippi - privates compete in a independent association against teams from LA and AR.
"The state association has 13 private schools. A group of school administrators failed to ban private schools from joining the state association in 2013. Other privates compete in an independent state association that also features schools from Arkansas and Louisiana."
Missouri - multiplier (1.35 to priv, 2.0 for single sex schools).
Nevada - point system based on success is used to move teams up\down every two years.
New Jersey - prv\pub have own tournaments and multiple classfications.
"Some sports bring multiple state champions together to create a Tournament of Champions."
New York - places prv based on past success up or down a class.
North Carolina has seperate associations for privates.
"There are also separate associations for independent and Christian schools."
South Carolina has a prv assocation and a combined (based on schools success).
"There is an independent school state association, but privates and publics also compete together in a separate association."
Tennessee Schools are split into 2 divisions. Div I for pub and prv that do not provide financial assistance and Div II for those that do provide financial assistance.
Texas seperate associations (prv pub play for seperate championships)
Virginia seperate associations ...
That is a shorthand version of the article linked.