Top Teams Year in Year out

Oct 22, 2010
I know every year we talk about how good some staffs are and that's why some teams continuously dominate.

But I just wanted to hear what you guys think about the community being a factor. Take a look at a team like Don Bosco(8 man). Just started football about 6 or 7 years ago I believe, now they are repeated contenders. No matter how good a staff is, I think it would take more than that just to get going so fast.
Originally posted by bigBONYtony:
I know every year we talk about how good some staffs are and that's why some teams continuously dominate.

But I just wanted to hear what you guys think about the community being a factor. Take a look at a team like Don Bosco(8 man). Just started football about 6 or 7 years ago I believe, now they are repeated contenders. No matter how good a staff is, I think it would take more than that just to get going so fast.
Don Bosco used to send kids to Waterloo Columbus for football. If you look at the last 8 years or so Columbus has declined and DB has risen.

I think DB has always had the athletes and that comes from being a wrestling school. They got a football program and a good coach for it. The staff has done a great job building a powerhouse team.
Bosco sent very few students to Columbus to play football. Bosco has just had several athletic classes in a row lately, as evident by all sports being very good-great.
Don Bosco's recent success is due to the fact that Coach Yoder has been able to get the best athletes in the schools the wrestlers out for football something that previous coaches at the school were unable to do.
Originally posted by PNation:
Don Bosco's recent success is due to the fact that Coach Yoder has been able to get the best athletes in the schools the wrestlers out for football something that previous coaches at the school were unable to do.
This is incorrect as well. Wrestlers have been playing since day 1 of the program.
I am pretty confident that there are several very large reasons for Don Bosco's success.

One is the fact that they are playing 8 man football and are located basically in a metro area. That is something that very few other programs have. The next one is the private school traits we have discussed ad nauseam. (don't start in on that again!)

I am curious how many players DB typically has out for football.
The year before Coach Yoder got to Don Bosco the Dons had 1 kid in the varsity line up and 4 other kids out for wrestling that were out for football, so I would say that it is correct
Originally posted by PNation:
The year before Coach Yoder got to Don Bosco the Dons had 1 kid in the varsity line up and 4 other kids out for wrestling that were out for football, so I would say that it is correct
The first season DB had football they had 2 kids that went onto win state titles and another that got 3rd that winter. Bosco is good because they've always had good atheltics, and they are finally are getting kids into the program that have grown up playing football. That wasn't the case the first several seasons. Don't over complicate it. Athletic kids + football knowledge + good coaching staff(and community support) = success. They didn't just recently tap into this previously untapped resource of athletes.
Since no one else responded, I looked up Don Boscos roster. They have over 40 players.

That is another one of your answers as to why they are havibg so much success.

8 man should not be played by schools getting over 40 players out each yr.

Combine that with being a private school in a metro area and DB should rarely lose a game again.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
You must be kidding?! Have you ever been to the "Metropolis" of Gilbertville?! Who in their right mind calls this a "Metro" ?
You people need to get over the fact that Don Bosco is a private school. I don't believe we are even revisiting this...every kid on the Bosco roster has parents, aunts, uncles, grand parents etc who attended Don Bosco, or are kids who attended Catholic school K through 8 grades and their parents wanted them to go to a Catholic High School. Put the BS recruiting stuff to's over! These kids have been in the Bosco school system since Kindergarten for crying out loud!! Also...Einstein...what does it matter if Bosco has 40 kids out for football? What are they supposed to do? magically jump from 8 man to 11 man to 8 man each time the roster fluctuates....? WOW!! Instead of worrying about how many kids are on the roster from another school...maybe you should be encouraging the athletes from your school, who are not playing football for what ever play football. That is what has happened at Don Bosco!
I did a quick search on Iowa Quik Stats and it appears that Don Bosco has had over 40 kids out for football each year since 2011-2012. In 2011-2012 they were A (edit to correct from 1A to A) with over 40 kids out and then decided to go 8 man. That bothers me because that is 6 potential positions (3 on Defense and 3 on Offense) on the field that additional kids could be playing.

This post was edited on 10/18 12:11 PM by Robert John
There are schools that went to 8 man that should not have. Not singling out DB at all -- but 8 man has been viewed as the class for smaller schools to immediately turn a program around and be relevant on a state playoff stage. The class is proliferating. At the expense of this class.
Prior to Don Boscos last 11 man season, they had only ever had one other winning season! The Don's record in 11 man football from 2004 through 2011 was 22 Wins and 52 losses. In 8 seasons of 11 man football Bosco had only 2 winning seasons! It was becoming difficult to impossible to get young athletes to go out for football. Losing football at Don Bosco was in the conversation. How can it not be justified, if by IAHSAA rules, and in a dollars and cents, to move to 8 man football. Colby Yoder, in his first season as football coach had his work cut out to reach these athletes and convince them to play football. Jake Hogan contemplated not playing football. The dons were 1 - 8 in Yoders first year. They made the playoffs for the frist time in schools football history in 2011, largely due to Yoder connecting with the student athletes. It is a ridiculous argument to say the Don Bosco should not be in 8 man football, the 11 man record speaks for itself. And on top of that, the enrollment in the underclasses is continuing to decrease.
You are taking this as an attack on DB when it is more of an attack on the joke that is becoming teams moving to 8 man football. DB just happens to be in the mix with this conversation and rightfully so. The rules are skewed. DB just happens to be taking full advantage of those rules. Good for them. But it's bad for the system.

There are lots of 11 man programs that never win many games so your argument there isn't really a valid one. Just because they didn't win alot of games isn't validation that the system is working.
I was always under the impression that the idea of having 8 man football was to give schools that were having enough kids out to field an 11 man team the opportunity to still have a team. I agree DB is not doing anything against the guidelines set by IAHSAA. I am also not trying to single out DB but they are the main school brought up in this conversation, there are other schools that have plenty of kids out that could play 11 man but choose to play 8 man because they see it as a quick fix. It is hard for me to say since I have never been in that situation but I think I would have a very hard time if my school wanted to go to 8 man to improve their record when there are plenty of boys out to stay 11 man.
Originally posted by Scobelicious:
You must be kidding?! Have you ever been to the "Metropolis" of Gilbertville?! Who in their right mind calls this a "Metro" ?
Yes. I've been there. You do realize that Waterloo is much closer to Gilbertville compared the distance a large # of rural kids live to their schools. Right?

How many 8 man programs live within a couple miles of the edge of city with 70,000 people?
Originally posted by Robert John:
I was always under the impression that the idea of having 8 man football was to give schools that were having enough kids out to field an 11 man team the opportunity to still have a team. I agree DB is not doing anything against the guidelines set by IAHSAA. I am also not trying to single out DB but they are the main school brought up in this conversation, there are other schools that have plenty of kids out that could play 11 man but choose to play 8 man because they see it as a quick fix. It is hard for me to say since I have never been in that situation but I think I would have a very hard time if my school wanted to go to 8 man to improve their record when there are plenty of boys out to stay 11 man.
Well said. I'm sure in DB's case, since recruiting is the life blood of private schools, they saw this as a great opportunity to have success quickly and long term which in turn increases their visability and marketing. whether or not it increases enrollment or not is another thing because that is complicated. Even if #'s are declining, you never know if it prevented a larger decline than they would have seen otherwise. It's could maybe be compared to some businesses advertising in the yellow pages. Most really have no idea if it is helping or if it's a waste of money but you certainly know it isn't hurting your business by doing so.

Separate question; What is the # of players out for football where it becomes necessary to move to 8 man? I would guess that # to be in the low 20's. If you are in the 30's and certainly in the 40's there is no reason not to be playing A
Being near Waterloo hasn't been the advantage you are talking about.; Waterloo kids go to Columbus Catholic High School. This is like beating a dead horse...there is no recruiting from the Waterloo schools to Bosco!
"Separate question; What is the # of players out for football where it becomes necessary to move to 8 man? I would guess that # to be in the low 20's. If you are in the 30's and certainly in the 40's there is no reason not to be playing A"

Good question but kind of hard to put a concrete number on it due to the fact that teams have to declare for the 2 year district period and number of players can fluctuate some within those two years but probably not that much. In my opinion 25-28 or so just because you are always going to lose a few kids for various reasons and you dont necessarily have to have enough to scrimmage it sure is nice to have enough bodies to practice against each other.

I really think Iowa should keep 8 man but it bothers me to see teams have 35+ players on 8 man teams. Like I said in one of my earlier posts when teams choose 8 man that is 6 potential players they are leaving on the sideline and I think it is important for as many kids to play as possible.
Originally posted by Scobelicious:
Being near Waterloo hasn't been the advantage you are talking about.; Waterloo kids go to Columbus Catholic High School. This is like beating a dead horse...there is no recruiting from the Waterloo schools to Bosco!
Yes, you are beating a dead horse. Every private school recruits students. That has been established very well. Some people bitch about it with athletics but in general, private schools aren't recruiting athletes at any higher of a rate than public schools. To say that DB isn't recruiting students is incorrect. They have to recruit or they won't survive.

So to say that being near Waterloo isn't an advantage is very incorrect.

Imagine if Gilbertville were located in BFE, Iowa 50 miles from a town. You are being dishonest if you say that DB would look exactly the same.

I added the bolded stuff later in an edit but forgot to hit send

This post was edited on 10/18 3:41 PM by icu81222
Fair enough...DB school system is in search of students from Catholic/Christian families to enter their school system at an early age and remain in their system through completion of high school. DB, does not, however, go fishing for athletes to establish and/or maintain it's athletic programs. That is the recruiting I am saying does not happen. If I am wrong, name to me the list of athletes from Don Bosco, who have been recruited specifically for the purpose of playing sports. I contend you will find that 95% of Don Bosco Students have family who attended Don Bosco high school and the rest are the parents who sent their kids to school in Jesup, which does not have a Catholic High School, or Independence which also does not have a Catholic School.
Originally posted by Scobelicious:
Fair enough...DB school system is in search of students from Catholic/Christian families to enter their school system at an early age and remain in their system through completion of high school. DB, does not, however, go fishing for athletes to establish and/or maintain it's athletic programs. That is the recruiting I am saying does not happen. If I am wrong, name to me the list of athletes from Don Bosco, who have been recruited specifically for the purpose of playing sports. I contend you will find that 95% of Don Bosco Students have family who attended Don Bosco high school and the rest are the parents who sent their kids to school in Jesup, which does not have a Catholic High School, or Independence which also does not have a Catholic School.
You seemt o be arguing with yourself a bit.

Ok why are we even talking about don bosco?! They are 8 man not class a football so just take this Junk to the 8 man form where it belongs!!! If bosco was class a they would a 3 or 4 seed in a district. They would be getting R Kellyd
Originally posted by GOPANTHERS23:
Ok why are we even talking about don bosco?! They are 8 man not class a football so just take this Junk to the 8 man form where it belongs!!! If bosco was class a they would a 3 or 4 seed in a district. They would be getting R Kellyd
3rd or 4th seed in the entire state perhaps...but there wouldn't be more than a handful of A teams that could beat that team with their current roster.
Originally posted by notlongago:

Originally posted by GOPANTHERS23:
Ok why are we even talking about don bosco?! They are 8 man not class a football so just take this Junk to the 8 man form where it belongs!!! If bosco was class a they would a 3 or 4 seed in a district. They would be getting R Kellyd
3rd or 4th seed in the entire state perhaps...but there wouldn't be more than a handful of A teams that could beat that team with their current roster.
Bosco isn't even the best 8 man team. I'll even go as far as saying 8 man isn't even real football. The depth required for 8 man and real football is day and night. Not to mention the field is smaller and you have less people to beat offensively each play. They certainly have a few athletes, but it takes a whole team to be the 3/4 team in the state, not just a few athletes. You can MAYBE make the argument for Fremont-Mills from a few years ago with the depth they had and the starting athletes to back it up, but this year's Bosco isn't that loaded.
Not.... So you are going to tell me and everyone here on preps that bosco could hang with or even beat some of class as top 10? Haha that is funny stuff. I can guarantee it would be a continuous clock by half if they played any of the top 3 in west Lyon, wapsie, or bgm.
Haha you guys are right, what I was thinking? I HIGHLY doubt bosco would even get into that playoff field. The level in talent b/w 8 man and class A iowa high school football is so much more drastic than any other divisions in the state... And probably in the entire Midwest.
This post was edited on 10/20 12:51 AM by notlongago
Originally posted by notlongago:
Haha you guys are right, what I was thinking? I HIGHLY doubt bosco would even get into that playoff field. The level in talent b/w 8 man and class A iowa high school football is so much more drastic than any other divisions in the state... And probably in the entire Midwest.
This post was edited on 10/20 12:51 AM by notlongago
They play a different game! 3 linemen in 8 man vs. 5 in 11. Your two best subs just became starters and your 3rd and 4th guys are now the replacement for injuries. The best athletes in the class are going to be as talented in some cases. Ex. Hogan (Bosco QB), but when you start bringing in more and more players, the talent level drops off dramatically. I think Bosco would be a good team in class A and would be in the mix at the top of a district, depending on which one, but to think they would be a top 3 team in the entire state? There is a reason they petitioned to play 8 man when they had the BEDS count to play 11.
Guys, I didnt mean to make this a Don Bosco thread. Since I am close I used them as an example. I was looking more on insight why the teams that are very successful are that way year in year out. Not why Don Bosco should be great.
Originally posted by bigBONYtony:
Guys, I didnt mean to make this a Don Bosco thread. Since I am close I used them as an example. I was looking more on insight why the teams that are very successful are that way year in year out. Not why Don Bosco should be great.
Originally posted by Cardinal2012:

Originally posted by notlongago:
Haha you guys are right, what I was thinking? I HIGHLY doubt bosco would even get into that playoff field. The level in talent b/w 8 man and class A iowa high school football is so much more drastic than any other divisions in the state... And probably in the entire Midwest.
This post was edited on 10/20 12:51 AM by notlongago
They play a different game! 3 linemen in 8 man vs. 5 in 11. Your two best subs just became starters and your 3rd and 4th guys are now the replacement for injuries. The best athletes in the class are going to be as talented in some cases. Ex. Hogan (Bosco QB), but when you start bringing in more and more players, the talent level drops off dramatically. I think Bosco would be a good team in class A and would be in the mix at the top of a district, depending on which one, but to think they would be a top 3 team in the entire state? There is a reason they petitioned to play 8 man when they had the BEDS count to play 11.
You're preaching to the choir. No way could they compete. Like I said, now that I think about, they'd have a hard time even beating teams like GMG.

This post was edited on 10/21 10:20 PM by notlongago
Originally posted by icu81222:

Originally posted by Scobelicious:
You must be kidding?! Have you ever been to the "Metropolis" of Gilbertville?! Who in their right mind calls this a "Metro" ?
Yes. I've been there. You do realize that Waterloo is much closer to Gilbertville compared the distance a large # of rural kids live to their schools. Right?

How many 8 man programs live within a couple miles of the edge of city with 70,000 people?
Central City lives just outside 200k or so... They are still bad...

Cedar Valley Christian formerly Walnut Ridge in Waterloo is in the heart of Waterloo yet they are still bad...

Colo NESCO is just outside of Ames yet they are bad...

DM Grandview Park is in the heart of 1,000,000 metro pop and they are bad...

Corwith is just outside Algona and they are bad...

Dunkerton is about the same distance from Waterloo as DB and they are bad...

This argument sucks... I named several teams just outside high metro areas and 2 private schools and they are all bottom of 8-Man.

The only thing that is relevant is roster size, but that is the case with any school. Waterloo East can barely get 40 players in 4A as a result they are not good.

Clark Osceola has been one of the biggest 2A schools or smallest 3A schools for years and they can't compete due to participation.

Davenport West has been one of the 5 largest schools in the state since I can remember, but they have a lack of participation, bad coaching, and limited funding. Thus, they are one of the worst teams in the state every year.

Don Bosco is getting players to participate. They are one of the biggest 8-Man schools, but that isn't something that they can help. They have a coach who is obviously great at coaching, leading, and connecting with his players and so they play for him. guys have all missed BigTony's point on all this . Why did Don Bosco get to be the focus?

Alot of the top prorgams get to play alot of their underclassmen durimg blowouts.

Just as an example....(any top perrenial team could be used).

I'm close to Wapsie Valley so I'll use them as an example.
They have 50 or so odd kids out for varsity football(more than most communities this size ...but when you grow up around are a football player first and foremost)

When you have succuss year in and year out....your varsity team is obviously doing well.
You are most likely winning half of your games quite handly. Therefore you are able to get your underclassmen some playing time.
When your Sophs are getting quality time ....and even your are bound to be a solid program.

Bottom line is ...most of the top teams year in and year out are that way because they do it the right way.
Build from bottom up.
Get the sophs and some fresh some expierience when you are up by 30 +
Originally posted by IASPORT:

Bottom line is ...most of the top teams year in and year out are that way because they do it the right way.
Build from bottom up.
Get the sophs and some fresh some expierience when you are up by 30 +

Madrid is doing it this year. But not in the fashion I think you are eluding to by getting young guys in when the game is in hand. Madrid is starting three sophs and two freshman. The other younger guys are getting that same type of experience you are talking about as well -- but a good number are in there right out of the gate.
Madrid is starting 2 freshmen and 3 sophs on defense, but also 1 freshman and 2 sophs on offense. Should help them quite a bit for the future. Plus, they haven't been doing too bad since they made those changes either. Will be an interesting team to watch come playoff time.
Originally posted by maxstabs13:
Originally posted by icu81222:

Originally posted by Scobelicious:
You must be kidding?! Have you ever been to the "Metropolis" of Gilbertville?! Who in their right mind calls this a "Metro" ?
Yes. I've been there. You do realize that Waterloo is much closer to Gilbertville compared the distance a large # of rural kids live to their schools. Right?

How many 8 man programs live within a couple miles of the edge of city with 70,000 people?
Central City lives just outside 200k or so... They are still bad...

Cedar Valley Christian formerly Walnut Ridge in Waterloo is in the heart of Waterloo yet they are still bad...

Colo NESCO is just outside of Ames yet they are bad...

DM Grandview Park is in the heart of 1,000,000 metro pop and they are bad...

Corwith is just outside Algona and they are bad...

Dunkerton is about the same distance from Waterloo as DB and they are bad...

This argument sucks... I named several teams just outside high metro areas and 2 private schools and they are all bottom of 8-Man.

The only thing that is relevant is roster size, but that is the case with any school. Waterloo East can barely get 40 players in 4A as a result they are not good.

Clark Osceola has been one of the biggest 2A schools or smallest 3A schools for years and they can't compete due to participation.

Davenport West has been one of the 5 largest schools in the state since I can remember, but they have a lack of participation, bad coaching, and limited funding. Thus, they are one of the worst teams in the state every year.

Don Bosco is getting players to participate. They are one of the biggest 8-Man schools, but that isn't something that they can help. They have a coach who is obviously great at coaching, leading, and connecting with his players and so they play for him.
Cedar Valley Christian is not the old Walnut Ridge from Waterloo, they actually are in CR. But, your point is well made otherwise.
Originally posted by Engine5Driver:

Originally posted by maxstabs13:

Originally posted by icu81222:

Originally posted by Scobelicious:
You must be kidding?! Have you ever been to the "Metropolis" of Gilbertville?! Who in their right mind calls this a "Metro" ?
Yes. I've been there. You do realize that Waterloo is much closer to Gilbertville compared the distance a large # of rural kids live to their schools. Right?

How many 8 man programs live within a couple miles of the edge of city with 70,000 people?
Central City lives just outside 200k or so... They are still bad...

Cedar Valley Christian formerly Walnut Ridge in Waterloo is in the heart of Waterloo yet they are still bad...

Colo NESCO is just outside of Ames yet they are bad...

DM Grandview Park is in the heart of 1,000,000 metro pop and they are bad...

Corwith is just outside Algona and they are bad...

Dunkerton is about the same distance from Waterloo as DB and they are bad...

This argument sucks... I named several teams just outside high metro areas and 2 private schools and they are all bottom of 8-Man.

The only thing that is relevant is roster size, but that is the case with any school. Waterloo East can barely get 40 players in 4A as a result they are not good.

Clark Osceola has been one of the biggest 2A schools or smallest 3A schools for years and they can't compete due to participation.

Davenport West has been one of the 5 largest schools in the state since I can remember, but they have a lack of participation, bad coaching, and limited funding. Thus, they are one of the worst teams in the state every year.

Don Bosco is getting players to participate. They are one of the biggest 8-Man schools, but that isn't something that they can help. They have a coach who is obviously great at coaching, leading, and connecting with his players and so they play for him.
Cedar Valley Christian is not the old Walnut Ridge from Waterloo, they actually are in CR. But, your point is well made otherwise.
He said "a couple of miles from the edge of a city". Outside of that, the points are well made otherwise.
Originally posted by Engine5Driver:

Originally posted by maxstabs13:
Originally posted by icu81222:

Originally posted by Scobelicious:
You must be kidding?! Have you ever been to the "Metropolis" of Gilbertville?! Who in their right mind calls this a "Metro" ?
Yes. I've been there. You do realize that Waterloo is much closer to Gilbertville compared the distance a large # of rural kids live to their schools. Right?

How many 8 man programs live within a couple miles of the edge of city with 70,000 people?
Central City lives just outside 200k or so... They are still bad...

Cedar Valley Christian formerly Walnut Ridge in Waterloo is in the heart of Waterloo yet they are still bad...

Colo NESCO is just outside of Ames yet they are bad...

DM Grandview Park is in the heart of 1,000,000 metro pop and they are bad...

Corwith is just outside Algona and they are bad...

Dunkerton is about the same distance from Waterloo as DB and they are bad...

This argument sucks... I named several teams just outside high metro areas and 2 private schools and they are all bottom of 8-Man.

The only thing that is relevant is roster size, but that is the case with any school. Waterloo East can barely get 40 players in 4A as a result they are not good.

Clark Osceola has been one of the biggest 2A schools or smallest 3A schools for years and they can't compete due to participation.

Davenport West has been one of the 5 largest schools in the state since I can remember, but they have a lack of participation, bad coaching, and limited funding. Thus, they are one of the worst teams in the state every year.

Don Bosco is getting players to participate. They are one of the biggest 8-Man schools, but that isn't something that they can help. They have a coach who is obviously great at coaching, leading, and connecting with his players and so they play for him.
Cedar Valley Christian is not the old Walnut Ridge from Waterloo, they actually are in CR. But, your point is well made otherwise.
Yeah. Just realized that. Waterloo Christian is Walnut Ridge.
Originally posted by NoJustice:
Originally posted by Engine5Driver:

Originally posted by maxstabs13:

Originally posted by icu81222:

Originally posted by Scobelicious:
You must be kidding?! Have you ever been to the "Metropolis" of Gilbertville?! Who in their right mind calls this a "Metro" ?
Yes. I've been there. You do realize that Waterloo is much closer to Gilbertville compared the distance a large # of rural kids live to their schools. Right?

How many 8 man programs live within a couple miles of the edge of city with 70,000 people?
Central City lives just outside 200k or so... They are still bad...

Cedar Valley Christian formerly Walnut Ridge in Waterloo is in the heart of Waterloo yet they are still bad...

Colo NESCO is just outside of Ames yet they are bad...

DM Grandview Park is in the heart of 1,000,000 metro pop and they are bad...

Corwith is just outside Algona and they are bad...

Dunkerton is about the same distance from Waterloo as DB and they are bad...

This argument sucks... I named several teams just outside high metro areas and 2 private schools and they are all bottom of 8-Man.

The only thing that is relevant is roster size, but that is the case with any school. Waterloo East can barely get 40 players in 4A as a result they are not good.

Clark Osceola has been one of the biggest 2A schools or smallest 3A schools for years and they can't compete due to participation.

Davenport West has been one of the 5 largest schools in the state since I can remember, but they have a lack of participation, bad coaching, and limited funding. Thus, they are one of the worst teams in the state every year.

Don Bosco is getting players to participate. They are one of the biggest 8-Man schools, but that isn't something that they can help. They have a coach who is obviously great at coaching, leading, and connecting with his players and so they play for him.
Cedar Valley Christian is not the old Walnut Ridge from Waterloo, they actually are in CR. But, your point is well made otherwise.
He said "a couple of miles from the edge of a city". Outside of that, the points are well made otherwise.
Dunkerton is 14 miles and Gilbertville is 10 miles from Waterloo... I would say a 15 mile radius is a couple miles.
Ankeny Christian, Des Moines Christian, DM Grandview Park, Martensdale St. Mary's, Waterloo Columbus are right in the heart of big cities and no good.

Building a program involves great coaching, commitment from coach/players, loyalty, etc... This stuff doesn't happen over night and it isn't a gimmick. The advantage for some schools is the tradition has been established in the past and continued into the present. Catholic schools like Dowling, Beckman, and Regina have the tradition from decades ago and they are not effected financially like the public schools. Waterloo Columbus has been seeing a decline of students over the years and the financial aspects are no longer the same.

Don Bosco is on the outskirts of a big metropolitan city and I wouldn't be surprised to see towns like Gilbertville and Janesville to slowly continue growing. Denver could do the same especially with the highway heading north growing to 4 lanes.

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