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Oct 25, 2017
Even though the American Marxist’s have made a mockery of the impeachment proceeding (due to their nutty TDS affliction), if ever there were a president who deserves impeachment it’s feeble Joe Biden. His complete and utter disregard for national sovereignty by overseeing an unprecedented invasion at our southern border….not only disgraceful but deadly.
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Even though the American Marxist’s have made a mockery of the impeachment proceeding (due to their nutty TDS affliction), if ever there were a president who deserves impeachment it’s feeble Joe Biden. His complete and utter disregard for national sovereignty by overseeing an unprecedented invasion at our southern border….not only disgraceful but deadly.
Breitbart LOLOLOL
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Impeachable is one thing but ole Sleepy is on very thin ice with just breathing, being coherent and maintaining consciousness
And here’s another one, how about the absolute debacle of Afghanistan, between the allowing….no, encouraging of an invasion at our southern border and allowing al Qaeda a greater access to weapons and resources, feeble Joe’s impeachable offenses make Trump look like a parking ticket evader. At a minimum, Gen. Milley and some of the pentagon brain trust (swamp dwellers all) must GO!
I was told (by sources…..not gator’s) the fat lady is warming up in the green room.
How many times should Biden be impeached? I hope he is not impeached before he unites this country and cures cancer. He and this admin are domestic and foreign policy experts with 45 years experience. They told use how they would bring order and respect back to this country. That is the very stance Biden ran on. So far we see domestic and foreign policy going into the shitter.
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How many times should Biden be impeached? I hope he is not impeached before he unites this country and cures cancer. He and this admin are domestic and foreign policy experts with 45 years experience. They told use how they would bring order and respect back to this country. That is the very stance Biden ran on. So far we see domestic and foreign policy going into the shitter.
Course, after he unites us and cures cancer he can go back to driving an 18 wheeler.

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You know Joe was in the top if his class in law school on a full scholarship? I know he fvcks up damn near every 15 minutes and lies about every 3 minutes but he is one sharp cookie.

He’s just not properly motivated. Maybe you need to get some kids to brush the hair down on his legs! Just make sure they are ok with being smelled!
Even though the American Marxist’s have made a mockery of the impeachment proceeding (due to their nutty TDS affliction), if ever there were a president who deserves impeachment it’s feeble Joe Biden. His complete and utter disregard for national sovereignty by overseeing an unprecedented invasion at our southern border….not only disgraceful but deadly.
Conservatives have child brains, and this proves it yet again.

“Our Daddy was impeached over attempted foreign bribery to spread a lie to the American people, and orchestrating an attempted violent coup against American Democracy...Now we impeach the ones who hurt our cult daddy’s feelings! Waaaaahhhhh!!!!!”
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Conservatives have child brains, and this proves it yet again.

“Our Daddy was impeached over attempted foreign bribery to spread a lie to the American people, and orchestrating an attempted violent coup against American Democracy...Now we impeach the ones who hurt our cult daddy’s feelings! Waaaaahhhhh!!!!!”

People are being mean to the fossil that I voted for!

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Conservatives have child brains, and this proves it yet again.

“Our Daddy was impeached over attempted foreign bribery to spread a lie to the American people, and orchestrating an attempted violent coup against American Democracy...Now we impeach the ones who hurt our cult daddy’s feelings! Waaaaahhhhh!!!!!”
Well. Again. You sound like the raging pussy we’ve all come to know.

I’ve explained to you in basic English that it wasn’t a coup. You continue to lie and flit around like a fairy and tell your tales like an uncoordinated, emotionally imbalanced clown, and here we are.

I have your best interest at heart, Nancy. I can lead you to water, but I can’t make you drink.
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Will anyone have the dignity to resign? (we know the answer to that)
So will anyone have the guts to impeach? Well….
Where these idiots when Trump was getting more troops killed than ever before? Oh, that’s right. Republicans are only selectively outraged by military deaths.
Doesn’t matter. He doesn’t really want to answer questions. I asked him one Monday and he’s STILL not answered it.
He’s selective about what questions he will answer. I know of someone else like that.

Well, it took about nine months and they brought three Articles (although you could fill a book) …too bad Nancy skin-so-tight won’t bring it forward.
Mouth-breathers who are angry their orange cult leader Daddy was historically corrupt and incompetent, now want to play payback games. This is why today's Republican Party is such a failure whenever they have power. They are child-brains. The whole party is Idiocracy in action. Dan Quayle is now one of the intellectual heavyweights on the right. So sad.
Mouth-breathers who are angry their orange cult leader Daddy was historically corrupt and incompetent, now want to play payback games. This is why today's Republican Party is such a failure whenever they have power. They are child-brains. The whole party is Idiocracy in action. Dan Quayle is now one of the intellectual heavyweights on the right. So sad.
Translation from liberal crybaby talk: “orange man bad, we are smart and enlightened just do as we say and don’t question us!”
Translation from liberal crybaby talk: “orange man bad, we are smart and enlightened just do as we say and don’t question us!”
I wouldn't expect you to be able to see beyond your own navel and project that limited view onto others. This is what happens when actual high crimes and misdemeanors were covered for by a Republican Senate. Now we have this stupid shiz from Republican Congressman who can't find their own asses with two hands, let alone understand the US Constitution.
Mouth-breathers who are angry their orange cult leader Daddy was historically corrupt and incompetent, now want to play payback games. This is why today's Republican Party is such a failure whenever they have power. They are child-brains. The whole party is Idiocracy in action. Dan Quayle is now one of the intellectual heavyweights on the right. So sad.
Lol look at this pussy.

A putrid, smelly, effeminate soyboy liberal lecturing others on crying. I’ve seen it all. 😂
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I wouldn't expect you to be able to see beyond your own navel and project that limited view onto others. This is what happens when actual high crimes and misdemeanors were covered for by a Republican Senate. Now we have this stupid shiz from Republican Congressman who can't find their own asses with two hands, let alone understand the US Constitution.
When have you or any other feggity lib ever cared about the constitution. 🤣
Well now Sockpuppet, I don’t think the folks at our home state DM Register are “mouth breathers” (actually quite liberal) but it would appear feeble Joe just keeps getting less popular by the minute….EVEN WITH A SYCOPHANT MEDIA!
Just for the record, how does 22% approve of his Afghanistan debacle??? Those folks need a psychological evaluation.