Gator, he is speaking to you...


All Conference
Aug 7, 2001
A group of RINO Republicans who failed badly 12 years ago, then again 8 years ago, and then got BADLY beaten by me, a political first timer, 4 years ago, have copied (no imagination) the concept of an ad from Ronald Reagan, “Morning in America”, doing everything possible to get even for all of their many failures. You see, these loser types don’t care about 252 new Federal Judges, 2 great Supreme Court Justices, a rebuilt military, a protected 2nd Amendment, biggest EVER Tax & Regulation cuts, and much more. I didn’t use any of them because they don’t know how to win, and their so-called Lincoln Project is a disgrace to Honest Abe. I don’t know what Kellyanne did to her deranged loser of a husband, Moonface, but it must have been really bad. John Weaver lost big for Kasich (to me). Crazed Rick Wilson lost for Evan “McMuffin” McMullin (to me). Steve Schmidt & Reed Galvin lost for John McCain, Romney’s campaign manager (?) lost big to “O”, & Jennifer Horn got thrown out of the New Hampshire Republican Party. They’re all LOSERS, but Abe Lincoln, Republican, is all smiles!
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Same mindless blather as “ we have the virus under control” it will go 15 to zero in April” . He used too many Tide Pod suppository this week.
Same mindless blather as “ we have the virus under control” it will go 15 to zero in April” . He used too many Tide Pod suppository this week.
He’s getting praise from the lib governors in California and New York. It'll be hard for even the demwits to downplay those two endorsements. He’s ramming it’s down their throats in his adds and his approval rating is way up. Most people with good sense realize he works tirelessly and we are lucky we have him during this catastrophe. Imagine if that spineless fence rider (Romney) was at the helm. He’s in China’s pocket along with half of DC so we’d be fuct.
He’s getting praise from the lib governors in California and New York. It'll be hard for even the demwits to downplay those two endorsements. He’s ramming it’s down their throats in his adds and his approval rating is way up. Most people with good sense realize he works tirelessly and we are lucky we have him during this catastrophe. Imagine if that spineless fence rider (Romney) was at the helm. He’s in China’s pocket along with half of DC so we’d be fuct.

Dude.. we are ALLLL in China’s pocket in more ways than you know.

don’t look now... but Sleepy Joe is kicking ass in popular and electoral votes.... this in spite has been locked in a basement while Tiny and his Sr Advisor/ SIL destroys the country and silences the scientists to do it.

It’s going the opposite way that you are inferring.. if only Detergent Don keeps will be a landslide . I hope he resumes the daily lie/ foot in mouth conferences
He’s getting praise from the lib governors in California and New York. It'll be hard for even the demwits to downplay those two endorsements. He’s ramming it’s down their throats in his adds and his approval rating is way up. Most people with good sense realize he works tirelessly and we are lucky we have him during this catastrophe. Imagine if that spineless fence rider (Romney) was at the helm. He’s in China’s pocket along with half of DC so we’d be fuct.
LOLOLOL YET he is trailing by THIRTY (30) POINTS in each of those states.
LOLOLOL... I stood up and saluted the jet flyover.

But still LMAO knowing the real facts and timeline of the GREAT CHINA BLOCKADE ... how he ignored early warnings.... and is still silencing medical community to move openings forward ahead of the curve.
The real timeline? January 30th? Ya know.....when you and all your lib buddies said he was being a xenophobic worrywart?
The fact is he’s done all he could and all anyone could reasonably expect. Blocked travel from China, loosened FDA red tape, stimulus packages, amped up production of vital equipment, and even backed off trolling the libs for the past few months (unnecessary as far as I’m concerned but another sign that he can be “presidential” when it’s needed).....
Meanwhile your guy buh buh buh Biden is hidin’ in his basement and only giving advice 2 months late while his wife is sitting there with him holding his hand. What a fuct up candidate and party you demwits have to take on Trump. DISASTER!
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The real timeline? January 30th? Ya know.....when you and all your lib buddies said he was being a xenophobic worrywart?
The fact is he’s done all he could and all anyone could reasonably expect. Blocked travel from China, loosened FDA red tape, stimulus packages, amped up production of vital equipment, and even backed off trolling the libs for the past few months (unnecessary as far as I’m concerned but another sign that he can be “presidential” when it’s needed).....
Meanwhile your guy buh buh buh Biden is hidin’ in his basement and only giving advice 2 months late while his wife is sitting there with him holding his hand. What a fuct up candidate and party you demwits have to take on Trump. DISASTER!

Good luck getting a response to these facts.