Gator….which party do you want to see win mid-terms?

I’m actually campaigning for and donating to Robert Aderholt. He’s a personal friend of the family , former patient of my F-I-L and sits with us when we have the Presidents Suite at Jordan Hare. KoeningsTiger has been our guest and can verify with photos.

That’s why I know more than you… I’ll probably see him next weekend. .. let me know if you need any inside info.
Interesting that @David_Dennison is all over other threads but not this one.

Sometimes you say more when you say nothing at all.
That because it’s a waste of time. I have stated thousands of time that I voted GOP my entire life until a 6x business failure and confirmed Russian asset was nominated.

That’s why many traditional GOP split tickets rather than elect a Putin loving wann be Communist dictator. .. and I’ll do it again if you people are stupid enough to nominate him.

Hoping for Pence though.. the debate would priceless… although there is zero chance Trumpsky participates in debates after his role in J6 is exposed.
I’m actually campaigning for and donating to Robert Aderholt. He’s a personal friend of the family , former patient of my F-I-L and sits with us when we have the Presidents Suite at Jordan Hare. KoeningsTiger has been our guest and can verify with photos.

That’s why I know more than you… I’ll probably see him next weekend. .. let me know if you need any inside info.

Yeah you didn’t answer the question

Which party do you want to hold power in the House and Senate?
Obviously, since I have voted Republican all the back to Ford - I would prefer the GOP regain power. I would prefer some lost their seats though to rational candidates . I would not vote for a Coke snorting, pedophile Or QAnon kook in any case - as most here would.
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Obviously, since I have voted Republican all the back to Ford - I would prefer the GOP regain power. I would prefer some lost their seats though to rational candidates . I would not vote for a Coke snorting, pedophile Or QAnon kook in any case - as most here would.
Prove it. Show where anyone here has supported QAnon. I’ll wait.
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Obviously, since I have voted Republican all the back to Ford - I would prefer the GOP regain power. I would prefer some lost their seats though to rational candidates . I would not vote for a Coke snorting, pedophile Or QAnon kook in any case - as most here would.
Other than your last sentence, most here would agree. Your last sentence is bullshit.
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Who is the opponent? You want me to judge Cawthorn for doing coke and participating in orgies? My hypocrisy only goes so far.
I’ll research that.. I know that there is a movement to remove his eligibility to run . It’s interesting that any rational human could vote for him
Who is the opponent? You want me to judge Cawthorn for doing coke and participating in orgies? My hypocrisy only goes so far.
Not to mention, there’s pressure from within the GOP for him to put his money where his mouth is.

I don’t doubt he’s been invited to those parties, but I am highly highly suspicious that some high-powered congressman on either side of the aisle is promoting a drug and orgy party. That sounds stupid as fvck and it’s career suicide.

I’m ok letting an anti-Trump pedo that runs a PAC tell me how to vote, but by gawd cocaine and sex parties are over the line. Lmaooooo at all libs including the one in this thread.