Can solar or wind power create urea?


Dec 20, 2009
Gator? Can you explain to us how your cult leader plans to deal with making urea once he clears the path to only solar or wind power?

Here's How the Energy Crisis Turns Into Hunger and Then... War?
by Chris MacIntosh​

We have previously warned about a whopping food crisis and supply problems in the fertilizer market. Well, now is worse because that was BEFORE we had the natural gas crisis. Why is that important?

Natural gas is THE critical input into making fertilizer. Urea is essentially ammonia in solid state, the process of which entails reacting ammonia with CO2. And we all now know — thanks to the climate nazis — that CO2 is currently the devil. The problem of course is that with no natural gas there is no urea, and with no urea there is no fertilizer. And with no fertilizer… well, we will eat each other.

Here are the spot urea prices.


Something else that we had noted some time back (in Korea) but which now seems like a larger problem.

Here is an article about an Australian farmer who warns the urea supply crisis could halt normal life within weeks.

Here’s what he says:

‘Not only will we not be able to grow cattle and we will not be able to grow food and we will not be able to grow grain or anything like that, but even if we could, we can’t move it, because we can’t turn a wheel in a truck because we have no Adblue,’ [AdBlue is needed for diesel vehicles — half of all trucks on Australian roads run on diesel.

As of February we might not have a truck on the road in Australia, we might not have a train on the tracks.

‘So quite literally the whole country comes to a standstill as of February.’

The farmer then, goes on to say:

‘Go and have a look in your cupboard and go and have a look in your fridge and I guarantee just about every single item there, at some point, urea has been used to produce that item, whether it’s a steak or a salad or a can of baked beans.

Moving to Europe, we have a full blown energy crisis unfolding there, made worse by increasingly more destructive policies by the pointy shoes (let’s produce more solar and wind when it’s proven to be both inadequate and massively costly) and a supply chain crisis.

Take a look at European energy prices.


So here we’re now witnessing the beginnings of what promises to be a storm. Think cold and hungry and you’ve got the right picture.


That electricity comes largely from natural gas, and that natural gas comes from those pesky Russkies.

European Gas Prices Surge Above 100 Euros With Eyes on Russia

Europe’s benchmark natural gas price rose above 100 euros, or $190 per barrel of oil equivalent, ahead of a series of auctions for pipeline capacity that are seen as a test of Russia’s willingness to ease a supply crunch.

The day-ahead auctions for space on Ukrainian pipelines and capacity at Germany’s Mallnow compressor station will provide a strong signal for how serious Russia is about increasing flows to the west. While the region’s biggest supplier has said it aims to keep refilling European storage sites until the end of December, it hasn’t used short-term auctions to ship more fuel.

So right now we have this situation which is going to make your head spin. Europe is out of gas. They’ve spent the better part of the last decade getting rid of their own domestic energy, replacing it with baubles and toys, which, while scoring big on the woke scorecard, have proven abysmal at producing… well, electricity.

With Europeans now cold and very shortly hungry we are due for a war. Remember that historically, the spiraling food prices have caused civil unrest, revolutions, and wars. On the plus side, it has been known to also cure obesity, so there’s that.

Back to urea and food. You can’t make fertilizer without urea and natural gas. As the price of either of these goes higher (both are), it significantly impacts the price of fertilizer. The price of fertilizer impacts in turn the price of food. This is because fertilizer is the second largest cost component of most agricultural production. The first being… you guessed it, diesel.


We now have a bull market not just in urea, but in natural gas, and to top it off in diesel too.

To expect food prices to remain stable when the ingredients to producing it are all rocketing higher impresses us as comically stupid.
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My father is a Chemical Engineer with a PhD and he ran plants and two corporations that produced phosphoric and sulphuric acid for the fertilizer industry (amongst other uses) for almost 40 years. I'm headed to spend time with him later today and I can't wait to discuss this thread with him.

Thanks for the subject matter Derek.
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He is referring to to Haber process- partially true but largely nonsense. Not even worth discussion because of the unlikely hypothetical socioeconomic factors. Almost the equivalent of his Kraken post … but mixes some fact with the political Dogma.

I stopped reading it when he said that “You can’t make fertilizer without urea and natural gas.”. That’s absolute horse Shit like most of his attempts at technology. Its done in wastewater treatment plants every day within a few miles of your homes There are far better fertilizers than ammonium nitrate for a lot of reasons .. here’s a hint…. Every organism that eats shits 75 % of the nutritional value. So sewage and manure are true renewables.

Be sure and discuss methanogenic production of bio-methane through mesophilic anaerobic digestion followed by vacuum distillation of ammonia which is a by product .

In any case, there is a limitless supply of ammonia, bio fertilizer and methane from processing sewage food waste … and landfill gas. It’s just not utilized.

This is called the Cambi process ( I have sold 35 of these systems) each generates 10-12 MW through combustion ( cogeneration turbines) of methane produced from shit and a stready stream of High ammonia waste liquor -PLUS -Water for irrigation and a sterile biologically produced fertilizer ( not using urea which is the premise of his goofy post) .

This has been my business for about 40years. I sold the first Cambi process in the US in Washington DC ten yrs ago ( following the science) . It’s an established fact and not conspiracy theory.

Read and go take a shit…. Each dump produces about 1200 watts.

He is referring to to Haber process- partially true but largely nonsense. Not even worth discussion because of the unlikely hypothetical socioeconomic factors. Almost the equivalent of his Kraken post … but mixes some fact with the political Dogma.

I stopped reading it when he said that “You can’t make fertilizer without urea and natural gas.”. That’s absolute horse Shit like most of his attempts at technology. Its done in wastewater treatment plants every day within a few miles of your homes There are far better fertilizers than ammonium nitrate for a lot of reasons .. here’s a hint…. Every organism that eats shits 75 % of the nutritional value. So sewage and manure are true renewables.

Be sure and discuss methanogenic production of bio-methane through mesophilic anaerobic digestion followed by vacuum distillation of ammonia which is a by product .

In any case, there is a limitless supply of ammonia, bio fertilizer and methane from processing sewage food waste … and landfill gas. It’s just not utilized.

This is called the Cambi process ( I have sold 35 of these systems) each generates 10-12 MW through combustion ( cogeneration turbines) of methane produced from shit and a stready stream of High ammonia waste liquor -PLUS -Water for irrigation and a sterile biologically produced fertilizer ( not using urea which is the premise of his goofy post) .

This has been my business for about 40years. I sold the first Cambi process in the US in Washington DC ten yrs ago ( following the science) . It’s an established fact and not conspiracy theory.

Read and go take a shit…. Each dump produces about 1200 watts.

i guarantee I’ve dropped 2000 watts or more
My dad said you can make fertilizer without urea...the yield per acre will plummet however.
It’s really an interesting topic. There are new agronomy studies -( big focus at Lehigh and Virginia Tech which we are connected with ) - proving that ammonia nitrogen compounds from sewage / manure is more “biologically available “than just pure inorganic NH-N fertilizers . .. from a manufacturing efficiency standpoint he’s right.

My point was only that I have to prove Derek wrong every chance I get. Biological fertilizers ( without urea and LPG) have been used since the beginning of civilization and science is improving the efficiency to meet commercial needs.
He is referring to to Haber process- partially true but largely nonsense. Not even worth discussion because of the unlikely hypothetical socioeconomic factors. Almost the equivalent of his Kraken post … but mixes some fact with the political Dogma.

I stopped reading it when he said that “You can’t make fertilizer without urea and natural gas.”. That’s absolute horse Shit like most of his attempts at technology. Its done in wastewater treatment plants every day within a few miles of your homes There are far better fertilizers than ammonium nitrate for a lot of reasons .. here’s a hint…. Every organism that eats shits 75 % of the nutritional value. So sewage and manure are true renewables.

Be sure and discuss methanogenic production of bio-methane through mesophilic anaerobic digestion followed by vacuum distillation of ammonia which is a by product .

In any case, there is a limitless supply of ammonia, bio fertilizer and methane from processing sewage food waste … and landfill gas. It’s just not utilized.

This is called the Cambi process ( I have sold 35 of these systems) each generates 10-12 MW through combustion ( cogeneration turbines) of methane produced from shit and a stready stream of High ammonia waste liquor -PLUS -Water for irrigation and a sterile biologically produced fertilizer ( not using urea which is the premise of his goofy post) .

This has been my business for about 40years. I sold the first Cambi process in the US in Washington DC ten yrs ago ( following the science) . It’s an established fact and not conspiracy theory.

Read and go take a shit…. Each dump produces about 1200 watts.

Its a shame they haven't come up with a 'jerking off' emoji... :rolleyes:
WTF are you talking about. Even your trolls are boring and pointless. “ not used yet” meaning few wastewater facilities have invested in the technology. They are cult Neanderthals like you and Derek.
LOL at your “I’m too stupid to get your point” trolls. But I’ll play along, Nurse. My point being you wrote an essay refuting derek’s point that natural gas is needed to make fertilizer. Then you negated your entire diatribe with, “it’s just not utilized…”

LOL at what a dumfuk you are!
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In any case, there is a limitless supply of ammonia, bio fertilizer and methane from processing sewage food waste … and landfill gas. It’s just not utilized.
See what I mean? Gator is dead... however, you (D_D) have become the petulant narcissistic buffoon trying to connive and outright lie about what can and can't (oh, maybe just not utilized) be done once we're rid of fossil fuels. You are really so.fvcking.obvious.

WHO GAF that it is 'possible' in 40-50 years? Stop all LG production tomorrow (or, in the next 10 years) and watch what happens ... oh... you can't, because you won't be one of the lucky few that got the lottery and won some of your magic fertilizer NO ONE is using now for a really good reason... It ain't available in ANY quantity that might provide food for 1% of American's population.

WHO do you think you're fooling... running out and pulling articles on what future fertilizer 'science' can create (but doesn't now in any meaningful fashion)... and b/c you've sold shyt systems makes you an expert? GMAMFB.

Why not REALLY refute the article I posted and tell me the farms in countries that are actually using the magic fertilizer you proclaim is so abundant and will save us all when the world converts to magic solar & wind power?

This... ought... to... be... good... then come back and apologize to me and the board for your duplicitous and loose grasp on the truth.
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Biological fertilizers ( without urea and LPG) have been used since the beginning of civilization and science is improving the efficiency to meet commercial needs.

They's just much less efficient. Like all things left, the idea is leap and then look.