Yet another Biden legacy..


All District
Oct 25, 2017
113 the explosion of homelessness. Just returned from a trip to CO and amongst the beauty of the Rocky Mountains was the ugliness of the homelessness and the pungent smell of ganja all over the place. Our country is rotting, beginning with the blue cities and moving outwards like an insidious cancer. Thanks you 🤬ing Marxists!
So you think Breibart is lying about homelessness in CO?

Although the article you linked was from 2010, the Denver homeless problem has become significantly worse, and this nugget is all one needs read:

“The Obama administration recently unveiled a plan to end homelessness in the United States over the next decade. The U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness will "harness public and private resources to build on the innovations that have been demonstrated at the local level nationwide," according to council chairman Shaun Donavan.

Robinson is skeptical about whether the government can adequately address the root causes of homelessness.”

So Obama was going to “end homelessness in the US over the next decade”?? Well, it’s been a decade plus 3 years, how’s that working out Barry?

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