What could go wrong?

Que??? You have to be a US citizen in Alabama. I just assumed that this was true California of course.
A lot of immigrant Irishmen were NY cops early 1860-1890s …. Might be different rules in alot of departments now, but it doesn’t bother me…. It’s preferable for the PoPo to be citizens, but there’s alot of other stuff that chaffs me more from liberals

A lot of immigrant Irishmen were NY cops early 1860-1890s …. Might be different rules in alot of departments now, but it doesn’t bother me…. It’s preferable for the PoPo to be citizens, but there’s alot of other stuff that chaffs me more from liberals

Weren’t Irish immigrants pretty much all given citizenship upon arrival in the 1800’s at Ellis Island?

That said, if they’re here legally and don’t have a criminal record here or back home, I don’t really have that much of a problem with it. And by legal, I mean came here on a work visa, not the bullshit asylum shit currently going on… but there are also a lot of cops in cities like atlanta that have a criminal record themselves, so who knows what to think any more…

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