At the sixth week of the season, anything that happened last year or in the
past five or six years is irrelevant.
Live in the now.
Living in the now" has been going on for thousands of years....
It is relevant.
For a small example,
our life would not be here, without prior lives that nurtured new life.
Once in awhile, not always, someone learns something, and carries the notion to the future to make for a better (or worse) tomorrow - as in "now".
That is relevant.
(maybe, incrementally, on the good results side....
that is why,
for a small example, we have inflated rubber tires on many vehicles instead of stone, wood, steel, hard rubber..inflated rubber....plastic?.... magnetic hovers?....)
And in balance, some have also learned that
..."past performance, is no guarantee of future results."
As such, the game and our free, right and wrong choices along life's journey are played out ...on-the-field (or in the classroom, and many, many places....)
As far as most poll, or rank snapshots....fwiw, most of the time, the opinions and then the 'poll' changes, over time. [i.e. "
living in the now", in poll land, is generally unstable, week to week. For a small example, go ahead and compare the rank of week 1 to week 6... not that long ago... it has changed....some adjusted, and some adjustment(s) will still occur... and the competitors like it that way..."
in the now", a changing poll, is both a humbling and a motivating piece of (mis)information for some folks, over time. That is o.k. as
we strive to become the best-version-of-ourselves, over time.]
James 2:22 ...good works..
John 3:16 ...eternal life...
Psalm 23 fear of valleys while climbing the hills...