State Team Duals


Sep 11, 2008
Whats everyones thoughts on the way it is set up now? I have heard that many coaches are not pleased with the current set up ( team duals the week prior to the individual tourny.) I heard many adament coaches saying that they were only going to bring mostly JV wrestlers to avoid any last min. injuries to their state qualifiers. Those same coaches also said that the IHSAA are thinking about imposing sanctions against them if they did that.
I say just wrestle. I understand there concerns. So with that thought process did they hold the kids out of the conference tourny? That way they did not get hurt before sectionals? A kid can get hurt at any time doing most anything. Yes it would be had to swallow if one of the state qualifiers got hurt at the dual tourny. I think if you ask the kid he is going to say he wants to compete.
No one likes it but we have to deal with it. I can surely let you know Bettendorf and Assumption plan on using their starters. I read that today in QC Times.
Although I don't agree with current set-up either, as Bubsdad said everyone has to deal with it. I like Coach Bush and Coach Knight's take on team duals - it is a chance for the wrestlers to be a member of a State Champion team and make a memory for them in the sport. Both of them are also looking out for the betterment of the sport. For those who would choose not to wrestle their startes, I would ask them, How does wrestling JV wrestlers in State Team duals help promote the sport?
This post was edited on 2/5 12:04 PM by o2bahawk
If schools are going to boycott again this year, they need to purposely lose at the regional duals this week and let a team that wants to be there wrestle next Wednesday in DM.
Originally posted by HawkeyeDenny:
If schools are going to boycott again this year, they need to purposely lose at the regional duals this week and let a team that wants to be there wrestle next Wednesday in DM.

Problem is they have to swallow their pride to do it. That's hard for a wrestler to do.
You didn't get the point DarkThunder....the point is why wrestle your Varsity kids at the regional duals to get to the state duals and then wrestle the JV kids when you get there. If you aren't going to try at state, wrestle the JV kids at the regional duals, no pride to swallow when it is JV kids who can try as hard as they want.
Originally posted by Ace0162:
I say just wrestle. I understand there concerns. So with that thought process did they hold the kids out of the conference tourny? That way they did not get hurt before sectionals? A kid can get hurt at any time doing most anything. Yes it would be had to swallow if one of the state qualifiers got hurt at the dual tourny. I think if you ask the kid he is going to say he wants to compete.

Right on!
Why wrestle the conf, tourney? Why wrestle the last dual? Why wrestle the season? The coaches who don't wrestle their starters are teaching the kids to take the safe way NOT necessarily the RIGHT way. The EXACT opposite of the life lessons that that young person should be learning.

Coach Knight is exactly right when he says that it gives kids a chance to be part of a championship team.

The starters have earned the right to start, the fact is that even if you don't start every time - or even at all, that wrestler has made a contribution by being a practice partner etc. and deserves the right to be part of a championship team.

That young person is either a wrestling warrior or he's not, It's coaches job to encourage him to be one - not take the easy or safe way out.
Originally posted by HawkeyeDenny:
You didn't get the point DarkThunder....the point is why wrestle your Varsity kids at the regional duals to get to the state duals and then wrestle the JV kids when you get there. If you aren't going to try at state, wrestle the JV kids at the regional duals, no pride to swallow when it is JV kids who can try as hard as they want.
Nah, I got the point. My point is that do those wrestlers really want to essentially give up a dual meet....just because they don't want to wrestle at the state duals? Maybe they could forfeit their finish from sectionals and let the next team take their place, and then the next team who doesn't want to go can follow and so on and so forth until the last place team ends up in the regional duals because no one else really wants to be there. Remember some schools don't even have enough wrestlers to form a full JV roster (some don't even have enough to form a full VARSITY roster).

Then again what I should've said those coaches really want to essentially give up a dual meet...................(rhetorical question???)

Of course, you've given me an idea. You could turn the state duals into a JV event. All qualifying teams send their JV wrestlers to the regional duals and let them duke it out and then the top JV wrestlers/teams can represent their "teams" down at the state duals.

SE Polk JV vs Bettendorf JV for the Class 3A state dual championship!
yes, COACHES, not wrestlers, they are the ones deciding to boycott...good points to ponder...I think coming out of the New Years break would be a good time to do State Duals...??
Originally posted by HawkeyeDenny:
yes, COACHES, not wrestlers, they are the ones deciding to boycott...good points to ponder...I think coming out of the New Years break would be a good time to do State Duals...??
That's not a bad idea. Have the state duals earlier in the year (sometime in January?). This way teams/coaches can't complain about injuries because they'll still have other dual meets and their conference tourneys to go through (and risk injury....) before sectionals even begin.

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