That time frame has to be a joke right? If its not thats terrible on the states part. They should already have a pretty dang good idea of who will be playing who before Friday's games even start. Heck if we can post predictions that are pretty logical and accurate I think then how come the state can't do that? Just terrible. I understand they have to go thru 6 classes but thats still not hard. Have 6 different people each assigned to one class with specific instructions. Match 1s vs 4s and 2s vs 3s, try to keep out as many repeat district games as possible, match games up within the 125 miles. How hard can that be? Absolutely no reason they should be released after midnight even especially when 95% of games are completed and reported by 9:30 or 10pm. Ok rant is now done.
This post was edited on 10/23 9:53 AM by high90school