Sorting through the Playoff Scenarios...


Sep 27, 2002
Looks like most of the divisions are going to end up rank-and-file and be pretty straight forward. However, there are a few messes out there and the potential for a another one or two.

District 1...
= Ankeny has clinched the district.
= SE Polk has clinched second.
= Ames has clinched third.
= DM East has clinched fourth.

District 2...
= WDM Dowling has clinched the district.
= Johnston has clinched second.
= CB Lewis Central had clinched third.
= SC East has clinched fourth.

District 3...
= Ank Centennial has clinched the district.
= WDM Valley has clinched second.
= DM Hoover has clinched third.

= DM Lincoln has clinched fourth.

District 4...
= Waukee has clinched the district.
= Urbandale has clinched second.
= Fort Dodge has clinched third.
= Indianola has clinched fourth.

District 5...
= CR Kennedy has clinched the district.
= CR Jefferson has clinched second.
= Linn-Mar has clinched third.
= Cedar Falls has clinched fourth.

District 6...
= CR Washington has clinched the district.
= IC High has clinched second.
= CR Prairie has clinched third.
= Muscatine as clinched fourth.

District 7...
= Pleasant Valley has clinched the district.
= IC West has clinched second.
= Dub Hempstead has clinched third.
= Dav North has clinched fourth.

District 8...
= Bettendorf has clinched the district.
= North Scott has clinched second.
= Dub Senior has clinched third.
= Clinton has clinched fourth.
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Unbelievable to think that Dav North is already in with 1 win. Tie that to losing to Burlington and it's a crazy crazy system.
Those two five-team districts play their season, and at the end, they've eliminated just one team from the playoffs. Plus, fewer than half their games (4) count toward district finish/playoff qualifying. It's ridiculous. But that's what you get with a 46-team class and 32 playoff teams ...
Dav North has found the loophole that Mason City did a couple years ago. As a 4-seed, you can bet they'll be going to Bettendorf.

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