I am not a coach, so I don't know the details. However, it appears that our sectionals may have a few weight classes with 3 or 4 wrestlers. What if your kid is a legitimate 3rd place guy. Meaning, if there were 8 kids, he would have gotten 3rd. But with 3 kids, he may lose once and be done, scoring 0 points for his team. In another sectional with 8 kids, the 3rd place kid gets 2 wins and 1 loss, scoring pts. Seems a bit "not right" in my book. Why should teams get penalized because other teams don't have wrestlers? Some school at your sectionals could have 8 kids and 6 open weights, yet all 8 get second place. Your team gets 3rd place at all their open spots, possibly not even scoring, and they place higher than you. Granted this may not happen, but there is a chance. I have probably stumbled upon the bigger problem of 1A schools not having full line-ups, and not sure about a solution to that. With that said, and I don't have a perfect answer myself, but I think the scoring should be looked at.