Chalk me up as another one that hates it as well! Teams and coaches no longer can plan and scout ahead since they have no clue who they'll be playing in 2nd and 3rd rounds. We need to go back to the bracket, and to that end, go back to the point system. Furthermore, in Eastern Iowa in particular, they need to go down to just 3 districts. Having 4 districts for just 22 teams is patently absurd! It's bad enough having only 5 games that count for the six 6-team districts, but then Eastern Iowa has two 5-team districts, thus only 4 games count! The smaller classes have more teams...1A thru 3A has 56 teams, or 7 teams per district, while Class A has 64 teams, or 8 teams per district. There is no reason for there to be 4 districts in Eastern Iowa, and I don't even think there should be 4 in Western Iowa either. But at the same time, I understand their need for greater travel flexibility on that side of the state. At least if you go down to 3 in Eastern Iowa, you have an 8-team, and two 7-team districts, while Western Iowa would have three 8-team districts. I'm sorry, but 4 and 5 games is an insufficient sample size for determining qualified playoff participants! We don't want to be like Indiana and marginalize our regular season like they do.