Right now, how do you feel about the association controlling the pairings?

I don't really mind it! The one thing I would like to see is teams that
don't finish over 500 overall on the season should not make the
playoffs. I know they may have a tough non district schedule or tough
district but to have 2,3, even 4 win teams in instead of some 5 win
teams seems somewhat wrong. It may be mean some districts don't get the
same amount of teams but to me you should have to have a winning record.
It is the postseason for a reason and I think you need to earn it (Good
Life Lesson). May mean odd number of teams but then reward the teams
that go undefeated and so forth. It could be done! I also think it
should be the same in all other sports as well such as basketball and
baseball. I know the one thing that people in Boone would say is that
will lower ticket sales but if you are putting the better and best teams
in you would think you would get bigger crowds and gather more
interest. Just my thoughts.
Originally posted by BBALL_scout:
I don't really mind it! The one thing I would like to see is teams that
don't finish over 500 overall on the season should not make the
playoffs. I know they may have a tough non district schedule or tough
district but to have 2,3, even 4 win teams in instead of some 5 win
teams seems somewhat wrong. It may be mean some districts don't get the
same amount of teams but to me you should have to have a winning record.
It is the postseason for a reason and I think you need to earn it (Good
Life Lesson). May mean odd number of teams but then reward the teams
that go undefeated and so forth. It could be done! I also think it
should be the same in all other sports as well such as basketball and
baseball. I know the one thing that people in Boone would say is that
will lower ticket sales but if you are putting the better and best teams
in you would think you would get bigger crowds and gather more
interest. Just my thoughts.
The best way to do it was the way I suggested long ago. (For the record, I wanted to stay with 16 teams.) Take the top three, so the "well they finished 8-1 and missed the playoffs due to points" people would be happy. Give the 1 seed a bye and play it out after that. But the state knows darn well that byes don't make money, so they figured they might just as well bring the extra 8 teams per class and makes 48 games more worth of gate receipts, alas, you have a number of teams playing that really shouldn't be.
I think it would make it harder on coach's not knowing until the last minute. For fans ( me anyway) I liked the bracket so you see excactly who is next. I saw last year at prarir valley-agwsr game 2 schools were there scouting our game and now that is mostly impossible.
Is this what it has come down to? Making money?? Shame on them! This is supposed to be about rewarding kids for working hard all season at a sport they love. The association should all be replaced with people who have that in mind and not making money! How do you get on the association board? I would love to be on it!!
Originally posted by powerwagon3:

Is this what it has come down to? Making money?? Shame on them! This is supposed to be about rewarding kids for working hard all season at a sport they love. The association should all be replaced with people who have that in mind and not making money! How do you get on the association board? I would love to be on it!!
Good luck with that...

Sorry to burst your bubble, but the things that the state does to reward student/athletes cost money. Football is the biggest revenue generator sport. They are making money in order to pay for the good things they do for the kids.