Regina to 8 man football?


Apr 24, 2013
Cid, heard the Regal JV went to play Lone Tree Monday in 8 man football, thus the obvious question popped into my head, brain & mind. Is this a tell tale sign that enrollment/participation dropping that the Regals might be moving down to 8 Man??? I assume both Lone Tree & Regina have trouble filling a JV schedule.
Do you know what kind of prep work the Regals had to do to prepare?

Question for all: Have other 11 man teams played 8-man at the JV level.
Well, next Monday they play Iowa City Liberty. So, by your reasoning they'll be moving up to 3A.

But, numbers are certainly down in some grades. Other grades, not so much.
It was an 8 man game. Not sure if that is their direction. I know numbers are down, their classes are mixed, one class may have a beast the next may not. Should be interesting.
Good for Lone Teee for finding a way to schedule JV game 8-man game. & good for Regina for taking the opportunity & Liberty High for finding ways to get kids games. Keep these kids involved in football as participation levels seem to be dropping “Country Wide”. (Brantley Gilbert LOL)
With the struggles Regina has endured playing 11 man football, going down to 8 man would only make sense.
They always find a way to get a few kids to "enroll in" when they are upperclassmen. Wink wink!
Regina brought a freshman only group to LT in order to get them some contact. It was simply a creative way for both schools to get snaps for guys who don't get much or any varsity action.