Reasoned - did you see this?

Yeah so, I’m not sure her “liking” a dumb post means she’s endorsing a Marxist but it’s sure safer than publicly supporting Trump (that would almost certainly guarantee her being beat down in the “W”). Perhaps she should learn from Michael J when it comes to politics, “Republicans buy sneakers too”.
Caitlin Clark was an outstanding student and is a once-in-generation type of gifted athlete. She got where she was by grit, intelligence, savvy, and incredible determination. She is neither a moron nor had her life handed to her on a silver platter. Of course she is not voting Trump. Enjoy the meltdown over her like of that post though.
Yeah so, I’m not sure her “liking” a dumb post means she’s endorsing a Marxist but it’s sure safer than publicly supporting Trump (that would almost certainly guarantee her being beat down in the “W”). Perhaps she should learn from Michael J when it comes to politics, “Republicans buy sneakers too”.
Republicans do, but MAGA universally either can’t afford Nikes (most of them) or are out ordering Trump sneakers from Wal-Mart. Caitlin could be a Republican, just a smart one (AKA a “Never Trump” Republican)
Caitlin Clark was an outstanding student and is a once-in-generation type of gifted athlete. She got where she was by grit, intelligence, savvy, and incredible determination. She is neither a moron nor had her life handed to her on a silver platter. Of course she is not voting Trump. Enjoy the meltdown over her like of that post though.
Nobody is melting down sparky. Just giving my buddy @Reasoned some friendly shit.

It’s what males do. I understand how that’s unfamiliar to you.

You are dismissed.
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Caitlin Clark was an outstanding student and is a once-in-generation type of gifted athlete. She got where she was by grit, intelligence, savvy, and incredible determination. She is neither a moron nor had her life handed to her on a silver platter. Of course she is not voting Trump. Enjoy the meltdown over her like of that post though.
Celebrities become enamored with their own success to the point they 'feel' they have to use their platform, even in the face of stepping into a pile of excrement for no reason. HS dropouts like Bruce Springsteen, John Mellencamp and Taylor Swift and MANY others feel some kind of odd self-importance that people actually care what they think... when they truth is we only care what they do (make good music). Proven by the fact when they quit doing it we forget who they are.

It may sound demeaning (to them) to put 'them' into the same category we are all in (not famous, no one cares what we think outside our bubble), but 'them's the facts' and the only result of their sharing their deep and insightful perspectives is the loss of income they might have had.

Now that is truly stupid.
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