REALITY - As I said - (again)


All District
Jul 13, 2020
Stock market is soaring now that Trumpsky has been beaten down in a landslide.

As all of you said 3-4 yrs back “I’m very happy with my 401k” How about now? “Market would crash if Trumpsky lost. “

why is it that Wall Street LOVES Sleepy Joe? And not the bankrupt business man?

Who was the only person on the board who stated that Trumpsky would lose HUGE and the market would skyrocket??

Thanks Gator.. dumbass

why is it that Wall Street LOVES Sleepy Joe?
Oh I don’t know, perhaps it’s the 1.9 trillion reasons and promises for more crack on the way for our crony capitalist system. Also the knowledge for Big Tech they will be unregulated as long as they continue doing the bidding of the Democrat Party. Besides, what market doesn’t like “free” money?
Oh I don’t know, perhaps it’s the 1.9 trillion reasons and promises for more crack on the way for our crony capitalist system. Also the knowledge for Big Tech they will be unregulated as long as they continue doing the bidding of the Democrat Party. Besides, what market doesn’t like “free” money?
So you are opposed to the government relief during an economic downturn? But you approved the larger bills that Trumpsky signed in 2020?

which aspect of Big Tech are you referring to.. or do you know?
Oh I don’t know, perhaps it’s the 1.9 trillion reasons and promises for more crack on the way for our crony capitalist system. Also the knowledge for Big Tech they will be unregulated as long as they continue doing the bidding of the Democrat Party. Besides, what market doesn’t like “free” money?
Duds.. this is where you step in and oppose government regulation ( on conservative principles ). .. or not this time??
Stock market is soaring now that Trumpsky has been beaten down in a landslide.

As all of you said 3-4 yrs back “I’m very happy with my 401k” How about now? “Market would crash if Trumpsky lost. “

why is it that Wall Street LOVES Sleepy Joe? And not the bankrupt business man?

Who was the only person on the board who stated that Trumpsky would lose HUGE and the market would skyrocket??

Thanks Gator.. dumbass

God damn you are an idiot. The last few days were a bloodletting
I dabble... but I have a trader dude. Same guy that predicated most sticks would soar when Trumpsky lost. Why do you ask?
It’s a homage to the old line “do you even lift, bro?”

I’m basically saying you are not in touch with reality on this subject.
So you are opposed to the government relief during an economic downturn? But you approved the larger bills that Trumpsky signed in 2020?

which aspect of Big Tech are you referring to.. or do you know?
Not opposed at all to targeted and prudent government relief. However, $1.9 trillion (of which 10% is truly Covid related) is not relief but excessive political payoffs for congressional pet projects (case in point the Pelosi choo-choo). And for the record, I oppose ALL forms of government wasteful spending, by Democrats or Republicans, especially Republicans because they’re supposed to be “conservative”, not just on social issues but we quickly approach $30 TRILLION IN DEBT!
“Big Tech”? Where to start, clearly the social media giants (e.g., Fakebook, Twitter, Google etc.)
Duds.. this is where you step in and oppose government regulation ( on conservative principles ). .. or not this time??
You’re absolutely right, I don’t want to see government regulate these giants, I’d prefer the “deplorables” (the ones being silenced and cancelled) to exercise their first amendment right to not use ANY of the popular social media sites, as I have chose. Google yes, I use but I do with the knowledge they direct and steer searches for biases. So no, I’m the last person chomping at the bit for a retaliatory regulation orgy on Big Tech. BUT they should not use their monopoly to silence the competition, that is the arena of antitrust which they most certainly should have to defend.
You’re absolutely right, I don’t want to see government regulate these giants, I’d prefer the “deplorables” (the ones being silenced and cancelled) to exercise their first amendment right to not use ANY of the popular social media sites, as I have chose. Google yes, I use but I do with the knowledge they direct and steer searches for biases. So no, I’m the last person chomping at the bit for a retaliatory regulation orgy on Big Tech. BUT they should not use their monopoly to silence the competition, that is the arena of antitrust which they most certainly should have to defend.

Agree. I absolutely believe that there are some antitrust issues but I'm not going to get behind regulation.

I do think that the media holds special power and with special power comes irregular responsibility.
You’re absolutely right, I don’t want to see government regulate these giants, I’d prefer the “deplorables” (the ones being silenced and cancelled) to exercise their first amendment right to not use ANY of the popular social media sites, as I have chose. Google yes, I use but I do with the knowledge they direct and steer searches for biases. So no, I’m the last person chomping at the bit for a retaliatory regulation orgy on Big Tech. BUT they should not use their monopoly to silence the competition, that is the arena of antitrust which they most certainly should have to defend.
use this as an alternative to google. Want to see how much google censors? Search something such as “Hillary arrested” in both search engines and look how different the results are.
I lost big time last week. Only time that happened under Trump,was when you leftist fvcks started shutting the country down illegally.
I’ve had a mixed bag. Some specific investments are way up. My ETFs and Index funds - not so much. They will rebound fine but to say the market is in great shape for everyone during Biden shows a disconnect from reality.
I’ve had a mixed bag. Some specific investments are way up. My ETFs and Index funds - not so much. They will rebound fine but to say the market is in great shape for everyone during Biden shows a disconnect from reality.
Im on the plus side for sure. 2020 was very good after the initial slap in the face in March. But last week was painful. My guy says the tech sell off was unjustified and to stay the course. But damn.
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Im on the plus side for sure. 2020 was very good after the initial slap in the face in March. But last week was painful. My guy says the tech sell off was unjustified and to stay the course. But damn.
Yep my QQQ shat itself big time. I bought a few more shares during the dip but yeah, dammm
Look, markets go up in Democrat and Republican administration’s for a host of reasons (often having little to do with the occupant in the WH) BUT the 800lb gorilla nobody’s talking about is $30 trillion in debt, how’s it get paid?
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Look, markets go up in Democrat and Republican administration’s for a host of reasons (often having little to do with the occupant in the WH) BUT the 800lb gorilla nobody’s talking about is $30 trillion in debt, how’s it get paid?
Yep. That’s concerning. Neither side seems to give a fook .

Making me wonder if these people I know moving away and going homesteading aren’t the smart ones.
So you are opposed to the government relief during an economic downturn? But you approved the larger bills that Trumpsky signed in 2020?

which aspect of Big Tech are you referring to.. or do you know?
I wasn’t in favor of any bill signed by Trump or Biden that gave stimulus money to people who's jobs haven’t been affected by Covid. I’ll make about twice what I made in 2019 this year (if first quarter stays true for the year, it’ll be even more but im being realistic). I shouldn’t see a dime even if what I was still making what I made in 2019. Ive gotten partial of each stimulus, and I will of the latest because I haven’t done 2020 taxes yet. I’m not as opposed to giving relief to people actually affected by the pandemic, but I’m going to be taxed on the package regardless, so I’ll certainly cash the check. I’ve literally spent every bit of the stimulus money (and much more) on guns and ammo, which is now an asset that is in no way helping float our economy through these “difficult times”. The PPP has also been another poor example of the government giving funds to business that were already going to fail without the pandemic. It’s helped a lot of businesses, but it’s also just provided a bandaid to many business that are going to fail either way once the relief stops. One of our competitors (I wouldn’t say big, but they can be a thorn because they will margins to an unprofitable extent to win business) was literally having their credit line on hold with multiple manufacturers prior to Covid and has held on because PPP. Everyone in the industry knows they’re probably out of business in the next six months, and their best reps have already jumped ship. They will still be out of the market within a year, and our company, like others, are expanding into their market and other markets like theirs to be ready to take over once they do. Is this really the best use of our tax dollars? You and your lib buddies like to make any Republican idea of being smarter about investing federal funding into an issue of the right hating the poor, but we just don’t like seeing our money thrown at lost causes. You want us to pay for Jamelle to get her masters in women’s studies or sociology when it offers nothing to the advancement of society in the long run. But damn if it doesn’t create more need for government handouts to keep the demand going...
Look, markets go up in Democrat and Republican administration’s for a host of reasons (often having little to do with the occupant in the WH) BUT the 800lb gorilla nobody’s talking about is $30 trillion in debt, how’s it get paid?

it won’t get paid back. The US will file bankruptcy on the Rothschilds.
Stock market is soaring now that Trumpsky has been beaten down in a landslide.

As all of you said 3-4 yrs back “I’m very happy with my 401k” How about now? “Market would crash if Trumpsky lost. “

why is it that Wall Street LOVES Sleepy Joe? And not the bankrupt business man?

Who was the only person on the board who stated that Trumpsky would lose HUGE and the market would skyrocket??

Thanks Gator.. dumbass

As I said... More misery for the Cult as Sleepy Joe energizes Wall Street.

Has to burn that Trumper azz that all of you and your senile leader called for the market to crash .

Gator Dumbass ;)

As I said... More misery for the Cult as Sleepy Joe energizes Wall Street.

Has to burn that Trumper azz that all of you and your senile leader called for the market to crash .

Gator Dumbass ;)

Which rock will you be hiding under in 3 years to answer for your smugness?
Stock market is soaring now that Trumpsky has been beaten down in a landslide.

As all of you said 3-4 yrs back “I’m very happy with my 401k” How about now? “Market would crash if Trumpsky lost. “

why is it that Wall Street LOVES Sleepy Joe? And not the bankrupt business man?

Who was the only person on the board who stated that Trumpsky would lose HUGE and the market would skyrocket??

Thanks Gator.. dumbass

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Gator is the major slide just a ‘correction’ or does spending money like sh@t thru a goose and cruising industries with sh@t policy help?

Could it be all Putin and Trump’s fault. Shed some light on the subject Mr Greenspan
Gator is the major slide just a ‘correction’ or does spending money like sh@t thru a goose and cruising industries with sh@t policy help?

Could it be all Putin and Trump’s fault. Shed some light on the subject Mr Greenspan
When this happens I’ll worry

..”…On March 16, the Dow placed another record, losing 2,997.10 points to close at 20,188.52. That day’s point plummet topped the original October 1929 Black Monday slide of 12.93% for one session. From the peak on Feb. 12 to March 16, the DJIA lost 9362.90 points, a 31.7% drop..”

I expect some global volatility due to to instability in interest rate manipulation, energy, agriculture, tech sector supply chain… not to mention a generation war threatens ing commerce globally.

all this ….Still…. No Trumpsky level record crash.

That’s gotta burn that cult ass.
I expect some global volatility due to to instability in interest rate manipulation, energy, agriculture, tech sector supply chain… not to mention a generation war threatens ing commerce globally.
So inflation and issues with energy, food and transportation are no big deal?

SMH. You can’t be serious.
When this happens I’ll worry

..”…On March 16, the Dow placed another record, losing 2,997.10 points to close at 20,188.52. That day’s point plummet topped the original October 1929 Black Monday slide of 12.93% for one session. From the peak on Feb. 12 to March 16, the DJIA lost 9362.90 points, a 31.7% drop..”

I expect some global volatility due to to instability in interest rate manipulation, energy, agriculture, tech sector supply chain… not to mention a generation war threatens ing commerce globally.

all this ….Still…. No Trumpsky level record crash.

That’s gotta burn that cult ass.
8 days later the Dow gained back 2,112.98
When this happens I’ll worry

..”…On March 16, the Dow placed another record, losing 2,997.10 points to close at 20,188.52. That day’s point plummet topped the original October 1929 Black Monday slide of 12.93% for one session. From the peak on Feb. 12 to March 16, the DJIA lost 9362.90 points, a 31.7% drop..”

I expect some global volatility due to to instability in interest rate manipulation, energy, agriculture, tech sector supply chain… not to mention a generation war threatens ing commerce globally.

all this ….Still…. No Trumpsky level record crash.

That’s gotta burn that cult ass.

Only thing that burns my ass is a flame about waist high.
So inflation and issues with energy, food and transportation are no big deal?

SMH. You can’t be serious.
They are…. In every country… no matter who the President or PM is.

what we need is a POTUS who. Has been an absolute failure in every aspect of business and diplomacy.

we just need more nuclear subs and Patriot missiles…. Bomb this fvckers…. Paint Chinese insignia on them … Kill all the Mexicans who cross the border. That position would lead to his certain nominate with the QCult.
Stock market is soaring now that Trumpsky has been beaten down in a landslide.

As all of you said 3-4 yrs back “I’m very happy with my 401k” How about now? “Market would crash if Trumpsky lost. “

why is it that Wall Street LOVES Sleepy Joe? And not the bankrupt business man?

Who was the only person on the board who stated that Trumpsky would lose HUGE and the market would skyrocket??

Thanks Gator.. dumbass

Thanks gator



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