QuickStats: C'mon coaches get your #'s in!


Feb 16, 2011
Anyone else notice that a lot of schools are dragging their feet in posting to QuickStats?

Great resource for fans & coaching staffs, but only if we maintain it.
I know other states are extremely jealous of our system.
I agree. I think the state should mandate coaches have these up at least 2 days after the game. If they have a Tuesday game, those stats should be up on Thursday for other teams to see. There are some schools that have their stats updated within hours after the game, so there's no reason they can't be up within a couple days.
There is a date that they have to update stats, correct?
Yes, I believe there's like 4 or 5 dates that schools have to have their stats updated by during the regular season. Not 100% sure on that though.

I agree with having stats uploaded some time after each game but you also have to understand that there's going to be human error in stat keeping especially when you have the kids keep stats (it happens). Some coaches will go back and watch their games to "fact-check" their stats. That takes a little time.
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Personally, I doubt that many coaches are watching film just to make sure that stats are 100% precise. They watch to evaluate their players & their coaching decisions-stats are secondary.
I think we all know that some stats (especially assists) get padded, in some cases, with the coach's blessing.
Blatant errors can be corrected after the fact if they catch them on film.

I think it's either:
1. He's lazy or 2. Thinks he's gaining some kind of advantage by concealing who his top players are.
If you're lazy, assign a manager to do it. If it's purposeful, get over it & realize it's a community that only works if all participate.

No reason why schools should have NO games reported at this point.
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I do know the State has I think 3 or 4 dates that stats have to be in by in terms of mandatory reporting-and many coaches like one of the posts said do go over film and make sure the stats are correct.
Personally, I doubt that many coaches are watching film to make sure that stats are 100% precise.
I think we all know that some stats (especially assists) get padded, in some cases, with the coach's blessing.
Blatant errors can be corrected after the fact.

I think it's either:
1. He's lazy or 2. Thinks he's gaining some kind of advantage by concealing who his top players are.
If you're lazy, assign a manager to do it. If it's purposeful, get over it & realize it's a community that only works if all participate.

No reason why schools should have NO games reported at this point.

Or 3 ~ Coach is a brand new teacher, teaching 4-6 preps or possibly a new child and spouse the coach would like spending time with.

Maybe the coach is busy preparing lesson plans, tests, grading papers. Taking care of their job as a teacher first.

Could be health issues with coach, spouse, child, parent. Maybe they are busy helping out with JV too.

Not being timely with stats is not the end of the world.
Or 3 ~ Coach is a brand new teacher, teaching 4-6 preps or possibly a new child and spouse the coach would like spending time with.
Maybe the coach is busy preparing lesson plans, tests, grading papers. Taking care of their job as a teacher first.
Could be health issues with coach, spouse, child, parent. Maybe they are busy helping out with JV too.
Not being timely with stats is not the end of the world.
Then delegate!
Our team's managers usually enter stats during study hall or when players are dressing & it takes all of 10 minutes.

Not the biggest deal, but just like everyone dislikes the guy who's always late to everything, I dislike the teams who delay inputting stats to the last second. It's just common courtesy.
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Maybe the managers are studying for tests or completing homework? Obviously academics should come first in all cases.

I understand the frustration but there are at times valid reasons for late entry. I don't think it's fair to lump all coaches under the two categories you listed.

Also understand not all teams have capable managers and with the number of over zealous parents today it might not be wise to create the potential issues that could arise having managers input stats.
-Or 3 ~ Coach is a brand new teacher, teaching 4-6 preps or possibly a new child and spouse the coach would like spending time with.
-Maybe the coach is busy preparing lesson plans, tests, grading papers. Taking care of their job as a teacher first.
-Could be health issues with coach, spouse, child, parent. Maybe they are busy helping out with JV too
-Maybe the managers are studying for tests or completing homework? Obviously academics should come first in all cases. .
All valid excuses for delaying a few days...not weeks. (and they're still excuses).
The guy who's late for our car pool every day always has an excuse too.

Again, not a big deal, but seems like common courtesy when you know lots of people are waiting on you.
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All valid excuses for delaying a few days...not weeks. (and they're still excuses).
The guy who's late for our car pool every day always has an excuse too.

Again, not a big deal, but seems like common courtesy when you know lots of people are waiting on you.

I get what you're saying, but... if the state only mandates a few days a year that they need to be caught up why is it a big deal? In most of the cases I see (I only go through our opponents or teams of interest), they're only a game or two behind. Our coach has them up through our game last Tuesday, and IIRC, an assistant that does them part of the time. Neither of them have tons of time to do them, and they don't have managers for the team.

So, they update when they can.
Or 3 ~ Coach is a brand new teacher, teaching 4-6 preps or possibly a new child and spouse the coach would like spending time with.

Maybe the coach is busy preparing lesson plans, tests, grading papers. Taking care of their job as a teacher first.

Could be health issues with coach, spouse, child, parent. Maybe they are busy helping out with JV too.

Not being timely with stats is not the end of the world.

It is if you're supposed to keep them up to date. In Iowa, part of coaching is getting your stats up. If you're playing a game and have your first few games up to date and your opponent doesn't have any games in, it puts you at a huge disadvantage. Quikstats for basketball do not take that long. 98% of coaches will have their stat sheet given to them minutes after the game gets over. If you want to wait a few days to "fact check" the stats (there is no way a coach who doesn't put his stats up cares enough to fact check btw), you can always go back through and edit.
As SSG T stated. There are set dates to be current.

I would argue the "being put at a huge disadvantage statement". But I suppose that is a matter of opinion.

Not sure about your last statement. Could you clarify?
Ease up on the armchair coaching. If it was an issue I guarantee you that coaches would be letting the athletic association know they want more than three mandatory dates throughout the season. It has been this way for several seasons and I have not heard of a group of coaches up in arms about data not being entered.
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In our district I'm pretty sure one of the team managers enters them on an iPad during the game, does a quick cross check with the totals on the stat sheet after, and uploads them to Quikstats. Almost always in the day/night of the game.
Both our girls & boys coaches will immediately release stats to the radio/newspapers based on stats taken by team managers during the game. However, in the interest of being completely accurate for the sake of all players, especially those players intending to take their game to the next level, the coaches will watch game film and enter the "official" stats in QuikStats. This method usually results in a day or two delay getting QuikStats updated. Very efficient and fair to everyone involved.
How did we ever survive without immediate online stats for high school sports? Some people have way too much time on their hands. What's next? Everyone having the right to watch every game on hudl? They have mandated dates. What more do you need? And why? If the coaches don't have an issue with it why should anyone else?
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I don't think anyone is claiming this to be a major crisis.
Sports fans like seeing box scores.

I agree that some coaches are making a low priority of posting them in a timely fashion.
It impacts their own fans/supporters more than anyone else (that's primarily who's looking).

The excuse about deadline dates is weak.
A deadline is just that: the last possible date acceptable.
An employee/student who waits until the last second to complete something does not impress me, and neither does a coach who drags his feet in recording stats.

I agree that 2-3 days is plenty of time. Do your fans a favor coach & keep up.
Couldn't even find Iowa City West's last results on Quik Stats. Maybe in shock from losing to CR Prairie.


Based on a recommendation from the Executive Board of the Iowa Basketball Coaches Association, head varsity basketball coaches are required to enter the necessary statistical data on the QUIK STATS website at Statistical data needs to be entered by 3:00 PM on Tuesday, December 13th, Tuesday, January 10th, and Tuesday, February 7th. All games played through the previous Saturday of each reporting date need to be included in the statistical data. Continuing to the conclusion of the season, statistical data must be entered after each contest. The penalty for failure to report on time is:

First offense, a letter/e-mail to the head coach and athletic director from the IHSAA sport administrator giving 3 days to comply;

Second offense, a letter to the athletic director with a copy to the principal from the IHSAA sport administrator, giving 3 days to comply;

Third offense, IHSAA member school’s expense allowances will be withheld by the IHSAA in the sport in which the third offense occurred.
As SSG T stated. There are set dates to be current.

I would argue the "being put at a huge disadvantage statement". But I suppose that is a matter of opinion.

Not sure about your last statement. Could you clarify?

Sorry WSC, took forever to check back on this.

I mean you can go through and edit your stats if you messed something up. You can just go put the points and field goals made up and then go back through later to add in assists/rebounds/etc.. and make changes if you messed up on the points (by "fact-checking" the game film).

I think for non-conference teams especially, not having any stats up puts you at a huge advantage. Coaches don't have that much to go off of early in the year. If I can see all of your kids' game logs and you can't see any of mine, I have a much better grasp of what I want my defense to do when we play each other.

Also for those seniors who are lucky enough to get looked at by college coaches, you are kind of screwing them over by not putting their stats up. I'm sure there are plenty of college coaches in and around Iowa that flip through quikstats looking for kids to put on their radar.
I think it is an advantage to not post stats right away early in the season, especially if you have new players or are playing non conference games where the other coaches don't know your team. But after about 5 games, that advantage disappears.

That said, the compliance deadlines seem pretty insignificant (assuming they start over each year and don't stay with a coach from one season to the next). Since there are only 3 deadlines, it would hard to have 3 violations (and incur any real punishment) in a year. And am I really supposed to believe the association is checking all 356 teams to make sure their stats are updated on those dates, or is there some sort of system that alerts them to games that aren't reported?
I think it is an advantage to not post stats right away early in the season, especially if you have new players or are playing non conference games where the other coaches don't know your team. But after about 5 games, that advantage disappears.

That said, the compliance deadlines seem pretty insignificant (assuming they start over each year and don't stay with a coach from one season to the next). Since there are only 3 deadlines, it would hard to have 3 violations (and incur any real punishment) in a year. And am I really supposed to believe the association is checking all 356 teams to make sure their stats are updated on those dates, or is there some sort of system that alerts them to games that aren't reported?
It IS taken seriously, but it ISN'T at the same time, huh.......
Some teams have varsity assistant coaches or lower level coaches track stats during the game. If anyone takes time to watch over games again simply for stats they need to get someone else to do it and deal with possible mistakes. Best way is to have 2 people do it. One tracking all shooting and offensive rebounds. The other tracking defensive stats and assists.

I don't think we can't expect to see Burlington post stats this year in 4A. They have yet to do it and have been crushed in every game so far.
The coach at burlington had not entered any stats all year. But than when you have list every game by what 20 points I guess I wouldn't want to either. Shows either crappy coaching by a guy who was fired from his last job for questionable reasons. Or kids who can't play 4a ball.
??? I was just in quik stats, Burlington has their stats updated. Now, I have no clue if theyre accurate or not, but they're there.

Well, the boys are there, maybe you were talking about girls?
He did have two games worth earlier but hadn't done a thing until people started asking why he not doing them.
It's also about being courteous to the media covering the games. Having updated records and stats allows for better prep by radio crews and newspaper folk.

"Johnny Smith, averaging...well...we don't know how many points he's averaging this year because no stats have been made available by the coaching staff...."
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They added them shortly after my post. The Burlington program isn't in good shape. Top to bottom they are pretty bare on talent. Two best players on varsity played freshman ball last year on a team that I don't think won a single game in the MAC. Only game they may have won would have been against Assumption who had multiple players playing up.
He started adding them after somebody complained to the school superintendent. And BHS hasn't had any talent since Mitch King all the talent either goes to Notre Dame or open enrolled out of the district.

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