Question about cyber operations halt against Russia

I didn't say anything in favor of funding foreign interests over helping US citizens.

I'm not sure that is confirmation that actually happened. Further, until an anonymous source has that information confirmed, I'll choose to let it play out to see what is actually going on.

I know you didn't say anything about funding. I was beating Menace to the punch when he came in to beat off to your OP.
Can any of you explain to me why it is a good idea to suspend cyber operations against Russia?
Not a good idea - this is a cluster phuck direction Trump is going upon. The entire Western alliance is in potential shambles - I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump threatens leaving NATO in earnest - I cannot predict this pathway
Not a good idea - this is a cluster phuck direction Trump is going upon. The entire Western alliance is in potential shambles - I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump threatens leaving NATO in earnest - I cannot predict this pathway
Like I said yesterday, I want to wait to see how this really shook out. If this was a unilateral thing on our part, then Trump is Biden level retarded and needs to get Putin's balls out of his mouth. However, if it's not unilateral, what did Russia agree to? This was offensive cyber operations, not defensive. It was "announced" on the same day military aid to Ukraine was cutoff. So, again, what did Russia give, if anything?

For all we know, the "US Official" mentioned was a Pentagon janitor who told a WH press member that the WiFi was out. Next thing you know, this story came out.
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Like I said yesterday, I want to wait to see how this really shook out. If this was a unilateral thing on our part, then Trump is Biden level retarded and needs to get Putin's balls out of his mouth. However, if it's not unilateral, what did Russia agree to? This was offensive cyber operations, not defensive. It was "announced" on the same day military aid to Ukraine was cutoff. So, again, what did Russia give, if anything?

For all we know, the "US Official" mentioned was a Pentagon janitor who told a WH press member that the WiFi was out. Next thing you know, this story came out.
Nice thing about “anonymous sources” is they can be 100% false. How do you verify an anonymous source? They are either lying or leaking info. 😆
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Not a good idea - this is a cluster phuck direction Trump is going upon. The entire Western alliance is in potential shambles - I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump threatens leaving NATO in earnest - I cannot predict this pathway

Like I said yesterday, I want to wait to see how this really shook out. If this was a unilateral thing on our part, then Trump is Biden level retarded and needs to get Putin's balls out of his mouth. However, if it's not unilateral, what did Russia agree to? This was offensive cyber operations, not defensive. It was "announced" on the same day military aid to Ukraine was cutoff. So, again, what did Russia give, if anything?

For all we know, the "US Official" mentioned was a Pentagon janitor who told a WH press member that the WiFi was out. Next thing you know, this story came out.

Nice thing about “anonymous sources” is they can be 100% false. How do you verify an anonymous source? They are either lying or leaking info. 😆

Easy answer here, fellas. British Conservatives are starting to say out loud what intelligent people around the globe have been seeing for years:

Also, let's look at our new friends Russia. Surely this is great news! Right, MAGA?! I mean, it's not like they'd be the top global cyber threat, right?...


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Can any of you explain to me why it is a good idea to suspend cyber operations against Russia?

1. If the anonymous source isn't full of shit and...

2. If we're actually suspending cyber operations as opposed to saying we are while only suspending the obvious and known operations (so 1 and 2 aren't the same thing).... best guess is that it's simply a negotiating tactic, signaling to the Russians that we are earnest about peace and an ACTUAL reset.

Having said that, if it's not BS and if we're actually suspending more than just what the Russians know about, it's risky and very well could blow up in our face.
Not a good idea - this is a cluster phuck direction Trump is going upon. The entire Western alliance is in potential shambles - I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump threatens leaving NATO in earnest - I cannot predict this pathway

One thing that we are seeing that is positive, Europeans are actually starting to get serious about contributing more to THEIR OWN fcking security. They have agreed to do this dozens of times but damn few have actually made an earnest effort.

Wouldn't that be a hoot if that was part of the plan?

I'm personally tired of the US funding their security while they fund social welfare for their citizens that would make an American democrat fvcking blush.
LOL at the libtardz ITT ( konigs, IPD and Sassy) trying to throw shade on Trump for negotiating an end to the war.

What should he do, borrow Hillary’s reset button? She probably stuffed it up her nasty pussý. Libs are disgusting!
LOL at the libtardz ITT ( konigs, IPD and Sassy) trying to throw shade on Trump for negotiating an end to the war.

What should he do, borrow Hillary’s reset button? She probably stuffed it up her nasty pussý. Libs are disgusting!
Do you believe Ukraine started the war?
Do you believe Ukraine started the war?

I think the Russians started the war. I also think we in the west gave them every excuse that they needed by breaking promises. We 100% did that.

We also made it easy by electing a series of absolute pvssies in certain elections beginning in 2008.

I also 100% believe that Ukraine is as it is today because it's the best money laundering operation ever devised by man.
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I think the Russians started the war. I also think we in the west gave them every excuse that they needed by breaking promises. We 100% did that.

We also made it easy by electing a series of absolute pvssies in certain elections beginning in 2008.

I also 100% believe that Ukraine is as it is today because it's the best money laundering operation ever devised by man.
I understand the point about NATO expansion, which is what I assume your are referring to. This article deals with that and puts it into context given the political climate when it happened.

It also touches on Russia's history and long standing fear of the West. It is pretty even handed IMO, although it ultimately blames Russia for breaking several agreements/treaties.

Do you believe Ukraine started the war?
No but NATO breaking their agreement with Gorbachev after the wall came down did. Also the agreement made by the west for Ukraine to disarm nukes should’ve been honored by the west but Biden was so weak and pathetic that Putin thumbed his nose at us and moved in.
No but NATO breaking their agreement with Gorbachev after the wall came down did. Also the agreement made by the west for Ukraine to disarm nukes should’ve been honored by the west but Biden was so weak and pathetic that Putin thumbed his nose at us and moved in.
Ukraine gave up their nukes.
I understand the point about NATO expansion, which is what I assume your are referring to. This article deals with that and puts it into context given the political climate when it happened.

It also touches on Russia's history and long standing fear of the West. It is pretty even handed IMO, although it ultimately blames Russia for breaking several agreements/treaties.

The "open door policy" of NATO was securely shut when it came to the idea of allowing Russia to join. If NATO metamorphosized into an organization that was no longer anti-Soviet or anti-Russian, why was this the case?

The NATO march eastward gave an empire driven tyrant like Putin the excuse he needed.

Russia was incredibly weak in the 90's and that allowed the west to make moves that the Russians never would have allowed had they not been so weak. They certainly would have expected, had they been strong enough to demand them, concessions which would have made them feel included or, at the very least, not targeted or excluded.

All I'm saying is that the west has SOME culpability here. Combine that with a resurgent Russia and events like the Orange Revolution (along with others) and Russia's behavior seems predictable.

The truth is that we did not expect Russia to rebound, patriotically, as quickly as it did. That was the "failure to understand history" more than what your article is referring to.
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He knows. He's referring to the Budapest Memorandum...which was purposely vague and toothless.

We all know why it was.
Do you still think he is a “in the middle but leans to the right” kind of liberal?

I’m thinking he is the “I stand with Ukraine” kind.

Course he’s actually in his in-law’s basement so Ukraine is still fuct.
So you can see how Obama and Biden’s administrations failed to act on Ukraine’s behalf and THOSE shittý presidents are why we are where we are now?
I can see that. Why did you skip over the guy who was POTUS between Obama and Biden? Why didn't he act on Ukraine's behalf in his first term?
Easy answer here, fellas. British Conservatives are starting to say out loud what intelligent people around the globe have been seeing for years:

Also, let's look at our new friends Russia. Surely this is great news! Right, MAGA?! I mean, it's not like they'd be the top global cyber threat, right?...


Do you know who else spies on us? The EU and Israel.
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