Predict your second round matchups

It is tough to figure out who they will match up with who, but I gave it a little thought and here is what I come up with:

Sergeant Bluff-Luton @ SC Heelan
Waverly SR @ Cedar Rapids Xavier
Solon @ West Delaware
Webster City @ Dallas Center-Grimes
Creston @ Carroll
Newton @ Carlisle
Norwalk @ Washington
Gilbert @ Pella

We'll see if I get any of them correct. #1 seed can't play a #1 seed and travel is still taken into account, but no strict 125 mile limit now exists. Tried to avoid rematches if at all possible. There are certainly other possible matchups they could do, just a guess on my part. Lots of Central Iowa teams.
Heelan--Sgt. Bluff-Luton
DC-G---Webster City
West Delaware---Solon

Home teams on the left.
I don't have time to work through these - I have to work at 4:45 in the morning! - but you're right, there are lots of options in central Iowa.

My thoughts earlier were that Waverly-Shell Rock would likely come to Xavier, and I still think that's very likely. The losses by Ballard and Clear Creek-Amana kinda complicated things, though, so some #2 district finishers will get to host now. The question, I guess, is what will the state do with Webster City/Gilbert/Waverly-Shell Rock? They probably won't have WSR play West Delaware (same district), and WD can't play Xavier (both district champs), so you almost have to match WD and Solon. Washington could play Pella, or even Carlisle, maybe. Or the state might match WSR with Gilbert or Webster City and send Washington to Xavier.

Lots and lots of variables, and I don't have time to look them over. It will almost certainly be either WSR or Washington at Xavier, though, and I just have a gut feeling it'll be WSR.
Sergeant Bluff-Luton @ SC Heelan
Creston @ Carroll
Webster City @ Waverly-Shell Rock
Solon @ West Delaware
Washington @ Cedar Rapids Xavier
Newton @ Pella
Norwalk @ Dallas Center-Grimes
Gilbert @ Carlisle

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