Originally posted by BlameIt:
I don't care who the opponent is, we will play them and hopefully do so to the best of our ability.
You people are painting WB in a VERY bad light.
(I'd say it's more of having a little fun at your expense. )
All I am doing is making proclamation that there is PRECEDENT (P-R-E-C-E-D-E-N-T) for the IHSAA to have 2 teams within 10 miles of one another make the Dome.
(Perhaps, but that doesn't mean that's exactly what the State will or wants to do, nor would they be in the wrong by pairing said teams together in the Qtrs.)
If WB and ICR both win Monday, and are matched Friday at the LRB: that's great.
You play whoever you get. period.
Now, for DT61.
I would bet my life that guy votes Democrat.
(Please don't.)
Because he has an answer for everything and is never wrong