Originally posted by high90school:
I agree with that. I was at the Lamoni/Exira game last night and walked away very unimpressed by either of those teams. Exira had a chance late to tie it late with the ball inside the 10 with under a minute and couldn't get it in on 3 plays and on 4th down their QB spiked it not knowing what down it was when they were inside the Lamoni 1 yard line with roughly 10 seconds left. One thing I will give Lamoni credit for, they did dominate the line of scimmage last night with a lot of movement on the defensive side and it looked to really caused some fits for the Exira-EHK line to figure out. When they did have the ball they were very methodical going down the field. They ran the option very well and didn't make any mistakes that beat themselves. Just dont think they can handle the size of Fremont Mills at all.