"No one is above the law.." Joke Briben 6/1/24

It’s Delaware so he doesn’t get to to Otisville. Just New York felons.

I have said repeatedly that Hunter is a piece of shit and should do his time… so should the Orange felon nominee.

Basically same charges as Michael Coen. Individuals 1&2 in the first trial of Coen. Now individual 2 aka David Dennison should get the same if sentenced equally.
It’s Delaware so he doesn’t get to to Otisville. Just New York felons.

I have said repeatedly that Hunter is a piece of shit and should do his time… so should the Orange felon nominee.

Basically same charges as Michael Coen. Individuals 1&2 in the first trial of Coen. Now individual 2 aka David Dennison should get the same if sentenced equally.
I bet you’ve never rubbed one out at the thought of a Hunter Biden trial.

Meanwhile the prospects of Trump facing A N Y T H I N G puts you at risk of developing cock calluses from rubbing it raw every time Rachel Maddow is on.
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