With either system, rematches will be inevitable to some degree. This system is tougher on NW Iowa because of the travel restrictions. Is tough to get 3A matchups for that district because of lack of proximity of other schools in other districts. But, rematches occured in central Iowa as well. Pella had two rematches (Newton, Washington) on the way to the dome. I think this year's system is here to stay as it did limit travel in first round. I do like that part of it. In 2012 and 2013 Pella Christian had to go to Council Bluffs St. Albert on a Wednesday night (3 hours each way) for first round game. That just isn't a good situation on a school night. If the state would be able to get all the playoff games on Friday nights, then wouldn't be as big of a deal, the brackets would work fine.
It certainly did make more intrigue as each team didn't know who they would play till announced after each round. I guess I didn't mind the new system.