Independence Fires football coach

Any back story on this? A bit interesting on the timing and how much trouble the school has had with parents/coaches in the last couple years.
Originally posted by cidhawkeye:
No insight on this but two contracts were terminated at the meeting.
That's usually what getting fired means...
From all of the rumors I have heard the terminations were connected, now that is complete hearsay, but when there are two contracts terminated at the same school board meeting in the middle of the year something is up.
Not a problem, I am usually that guy so thanks for taking the pressure off of me. If those two are connected I wonder how that would be.......
I believe the coach had 4 kids and was single... I may be wrong.

The lady was the Food Service Director... My thought was possibly they were taking food from the school? Once again without any information on the situation that is what I concluded.

Just for something other than the usual conclusion which would be work place intimacy or mistreatment of students in some way.
Originally posted by bbfan01:

Absolutely, they got fired for taking food. Lol
Is it possible that they violated the Mrs. Obama-mandated portion-size at lunch? That would at least make sense...
I know, I bet they conspired to feed the football players more than the 500 calorie intake allowed for lunch and Michelle Obama caught wind of it when she was in Iowa to speak on behalf of Bruce Bailey. I bet she went ballistic and forced the school district to fire them both....that's what I'm thinking.
Part of the First Lady's Health Initiative does include "60 minutes of physical activity per day".
Okay guys... I was trying to stay out of the gutter on this subject, but the alternative is someone probably walked in on something they weren't supposed to.