High School Blowouts

Liberty Hawk

Oct 28, 2002
As I watch the games I wonder what a coach could say at halftime when you are losing by 50? Several teams in this playoff run have put up some big numbers. The pregame speech would be easy compared to that. You feel bad for the kids as they have worked as hard as anyone.
If the opponent is Regina you say life isn't fair now get out there and have fun in the 2nd half.
I have been on a couple in junior high, for a 9th grade game our coach decided the approach was to tell us we were a bunch of yellow belly pu**ys, that one worked well. In college we put several on other teams and all I could think about is why does the special teams coach hate me and keep me on the kick off team for every kick when I was done playing defense in the 2nd quarter. Not sure how 'life isn't fair' fits into this.
I was on the receiving end in 7th grade once. The coach went nuts. Told one of my teammates to stand up in front of the team. Nobody knew why. Coach goes "were hitting like a bunch of pussys!! This is how you hit!" Proceeds to blindside my teammate and sent him about 5 feet in the air. Looking back the coach should've been in deep trouble, but I've never laughed so hard in my life when my buddy got laid out by the coach at halftime. Still talk about it today, but not without tears streaming down our faces in laughter.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
anyone think the 50pt rule should come back into effect? I mean some of these games are getting out of control. Scores are like 70 something to 10. Its just not fair to some of these kids to get their @sses handed to them in that manner.

I think the state should keep the 35pt rule and if the game gets to 50pts or more, call it right there. I mean some of these scores this year are insane and down right bad. What good is it doing for those kids who get beat by 60+.
If we still had the 50 point rule, coaches wouldn't be able to give as much time to the 2nd string and younger kids, which is valuable. Coaches couldn't try kids in new positions, try out new plays and more they way they can now.
Also if the 50 point rule was still in effect, you set a goal for teams to try to get to 50 and finish the game early. You might see even more blowouts.
Most coaches are smart enough to pull of the dogs after getting up by 35, and yes get more time for the younger kids.
Originally posted by PNation:
Most coaches are smart enough to pull of the dogs after getting up by 35, and yes get more time for the younger kids.
Why do say "most"? I think it more 50/50...some do and some don't...or even more like 40/60....where coach keep their main players well into second half just so they can get reps...I think the dogs are pulled more often after 50 point lead or third quarter comes...another factor that isn't being mentioned is "did the team we are beating run up the score in previous year on us"...I have seen where previous coaches ran scores up when their team was good, then in the next few years the coach changed and there was basically all new players, they get pounded in to the ground...blowout don't benefit the winning team at only get max of 13 points towards playoffs....
I know some pull them earlier than others, I see kids getting in the game in the 2nd qtr at times in games that aren't in the 35+ range. I know in the past there were some goals set to score on the first 4-5 possessions of games so the reserves and deep reserves got some extended game experience.