GMG-2015 question


May 21, 2008
I am usually very high on my expectations for our football team. I have a question though looking at our season and schedule. We are kind of on a losing streak (12 games, last win 10/12/13 vs. a bad Iowa Valley team), but what's almost worse is our streak of 5 straight games going back to last year without scoring a point, and a total of 7 touchdowns in the last 10 games... I wonder where in our schedule we will score and how long this streak will last?
I really thought BCLUW would be the game you could get. They might not win another game this year.
I don't I think that NT is the worst team in that district, they had a lot of upper classman not go out, I think they only have 2 seniors and like 6 Juniors out, couple all district kids didn't go out.
BOOM! What a win. Boys are really starting to click. We are 1-1, unless you look at our Quikstats page, then we are 1-0, (we don't believe in updating stats on a loss).

We have Montezuma next, and they are not ready for our Freshman sensation Brock Baldazo. Kid rushed for 161 yards on 20 carries against a VERY stout North Tama defense.

Now that we have everything clicking, running and passing game, I don't think anyone can stop us!
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I am not sure what happened Friday night, but be sure of this. IT WON'T HAPPEN AGAIN. We are more determined and more focused to go after every district opponent. Now we play district bottom feeder Iowa Valley, so you will see just how good our team is. Time to get to 2-2 and 1-1 in district play! GMG is the sleeper in this district!
Look at the team Iowa Valley has played and the teams you have played! You guys better not be thinking you have this in the bag!
From what I hear, GMG was in control of Iowa Valley early, but a terrible call by the refs swung the momentum to IV. GMG was the better team, but you can't beat 11 from IV AND 5 refs!

Is what I heard accurate gmgwolverine05?
Iowa Valley had 8 penalties for -85 yards and gmg had 6 for -35 how exactly are the refs against gmg? Also Iowa Valley had 350 yards of total offense? Sounds like a fair ass whooping to me!
Yes I still believe the game on Friday was the referee's fault, but I will say we kind of hurt ourselves too. Now that we dropped that game to Iowa Valley, the district championship is going to be a hard one to get. Nice thing though, is we basically have a week off this week. We get BGM at home. No better way to get that first district win then to beat down the Bears.
With a talented freshman GMG really just using this year to be in line for a few playoff runs the next few years?
Now that they are going to narrow the field starting next year and get rid of the teams that don't deserve it, it will give GMG a clearer picture to the dome starting next year.
You are correct, it was 1987, I graduated in 05 and my uncle was on the team, wasn't sure when I typed that up quick if it was 86, or 87.
I've never quite been sure if GMGWolverine05 is just delusional, or if he's actually a troll who hates GMG for some reason. . .
I'm about 60/40 leaning towards troll . . .
No, he's a real GMG graduate from what I could tell from his posts when he first joined.
I did graduate from GMG. I did go to the game on Friday. I did see them lose. I knew BGM was good, but for them to completely shut down our offense like that was pretty impressive. I would be surprised if there is a team that can match up with them this year. Props to them.

Now on to this week. We have North Mahaska! Time to turn this ship around and get back into the W column. They have a kid that rushed for like 280 yards last week against Colfax, so I expect to see two of the best running backs in class A on the Wolverine field Friday!